Document 4/4/9 (Glas. Reg., no. 114)
- Description
- Notification of an agreement made between (i) Bishop Walter and the chapter of Glasgow, and (ii) Peter, abbot of Jedburgh and his chapter, over the dignities, liberties, customs, revenues, churches, vicarages, lands, pastures and other things; they submitted to the judgment of five wise men, Sir Hugh of ‘Leuhine’, Master Stephen of Lilliesleaf, Master Hugh of Potton, Master William of Earlston, and Sir Robert of Hertford, persona of Castleton (ROX), who inspected the privileges and indulgences of the church. The chaplain whose duty it is to minister in the parish church of Jedburgh should be presented to the bishop or his official, and be bound to do canonical and due obedience and reverence to them, and he should have free access to celebrate divine service, and to oil, chrism, the eucharist, and to every requisite sacrament of Christianity. The same things shall be established in respect of the chaplain ministering in the church of Liddel (ROX), and the prior residing there. The abbot of Jedburgh, according to the old customs, should himself come to the feast of the dedication of the church of Glasgow, or prevented by a reasonable cause, he should send a suitable representative; called to a synod, he should not fail to come. The canons should construct decent dwellings for each of their churches, next to them if possible, where the bishop can decently be hosted, unless the vicarages are worth ten marks or more, and then the vicars should build them. Each of the canons’ major churches (ecclesiae baptismales) which were accustomed to make procurations to the bishop and his official should do the same in respect of the rest. All teinds of barley of the parish of Hownam (ROX) should go to the use of the canons; the vicar should have ten pounds or the whole altarage, and this should be the vicar’s choice; rendering thereupon annually to the canons at the feast of St James one stone of wax as an obligation; saving the right of Master Hugh of Potton. Regarding the church of Hobkirk (ROX), the vicar should have by way of the vicarage ten marks or the whole altarage with lands and all other things that go with the altarage, and this shall be the vicar’s choice, rendering thereupon to the canons half a stone of wax every year at the feast of St James as an obligation, and the whole of what remains should go to the use of the canons, saving the right of Master Adam Ovid. In respect of the church of Wauchope (Langholm, DMF), the vicar should have five marks to be taken in the church itself, or if he prefer, the whole altarage, with the lands and all the pertinents; what remains should be yielded to the use of the canons. Regarding the vicarage of Kirkandrews (ROX), the vicarage should be a benefice of ten pounds, or the whole altarage, with the lands and all other things that go with the altarage; producing five marks to be taken in the church itself; and this should be the vicar’s choice; rendering to the canons each year at the feast of St James, as an obligation, one stone of wax; and he should yield the whole of what is left to the use of the canons. In respect of the church of Sibbaldbie (DMF), the vicarage should be a benefice of six marks, or the whole of the altarage with lands in the villa of Sibbaldbie, and all the other pertinents; and this should be the vicar’s choice; rendering to the canons one pound of frankincense each year at the feast of St James, as an obligation; the whole of what remains should go to the use of the canons; the abbot’s church of Abbotrule (ROX) should fully yield to the use of the vicar, rendering to the canons five shillings at the feast of St James each year as an obligation. Regarding the church of Long Newton (ROX), the vicarage should be a benefice of eight marks, or the whole altarage with lands and all other pertinents, and this should be the vicar’s choice, when the whole thing has been vacated, rendering each year half a stone of wax as an obligation at the feast of St James, the whole of what is left over should go to the use of the canons, and until the whole thing has been vacated, they answer to the canons for half the episcopal dues and the upkeep of the priest whom they shall present to the bishop or his official. In each of the parishes named above, the canons should have one acre of land in an appropriate place (excepting only the messuage of the vicar) to replenish their barley. The assessments of the vicarages of Oxnam, Eckford, and Liddel St Martin (ROX) should be as the charter of the bishop bears witness. The church of Hutton (DMF) with all that goes with it should be turned into a prebend of the church of Glasgow; the bishop of Glasgow should be able to make arrangements concerning it just as with the rest of the prebends belonging to his right of presentation; in the meantime, until it has been vacated, the bishop shall yearly receive six marks from the canons themselves as an obligation, saving the right of Sir Ralph del Bois, parson of the same church.
- Firm date
- 23 October 1220
- Dating Notes
- Date in text.
- Place date (modern)
- Nisbet (chapel)
- Place date (document)
- capella de Nesbite
- Related Place
- Nisbet
- Source for Data Entry
- Glasgow Registrum, i, no. 114
- Trad. ID
- Glas. Reg., no. 114
- Calendar number
- 4/4/9
- Charter type
- Agreement
- Language
- Latin