Walter, bishop of Glasgow, and Richard, abbot of Kelso, recite a papal mandate from Honorius III appointing them papal judges-delegate on the petition by the said bishop and Alexander, king of Scots, to create an abbacy at Paisley. By the authority of this mandate, the judges met at Jedburgh where they consulted wise men, so that the prior and convent of Wenlock, from where the first monks of Paisley came, might appear before them and, at the instance of the patron of Paisley, this might be carried out. The abbot of Melrose, their co-judge, excused himself from the matter. This manifest was agreed and the judges granted faculty that a suitable person might be elected by the canons as abbot.
Firm date
15 July 1219 X 3 May 1220
Dating Notes
Mandate of Pope Honorius (id. July, pontifical year 3) × first reference to abbot of Paisley