Brice, prior of Monymusk, John, prior of Restenneth, and Denis, dean of Angus, recite a mandate of Pope Honorius [III], appointing them judges-delegate in the case called by Coupar Angus Abbey against William de Munfichet, knight, concerning lands, fishing and other things. By the authority of the mandate, the judges have pronounced a settlement whereby Sir William, on the advice of his friends, has given, granted and by his charter established, to Coupar Angus pasture for 40 beasts from Keithick (PER) above his pasture of the villa of Layston (PER), where his and his men’s animals graze. He also given 60 cartloads of turf for the work of the grange of Keithick, which the converts of Keithick or their men shall accept, above the land of William. He also granted and given to the monks, for the works of Campsie (PER), pasture for 30 beasts outwith the monks’ marches of Campsie above his land; in addition, he has given to the monks a stone of wax annually, in pure and perpetual alms, for the lighting of the church of St Mary of Coupar to be paid on the Purification of BVM. He granted free passage and transit of wood through his lands. Sir Alexander, abbot of Coupar Angus, promised that he would not bring suit against William and both parties promised to abide by the marches fixed between Keithick and Layston and between Keithick and Cargill (PER) as they were made before the judges in 1220, on the feast of St Martin, and perambulated on Holy Innocents’ Day following. Sir William, after his death, also has given his body for burial in the house of Coupar Angus.
Firm date
28 December 1220 X 24 March 1222
Dating Notes
After the perambulation on Holy Innocents’ Day, 1220 × latest possible date for William de Munfichet’s charter (_C.A. Chrs._, no. 31).
Source for Data Entry
Coupar Angus Chrs., i, no. 30
Trad. ID
C.A. Chrs., no. 30
Calendar number
Charter type
Original (contemporary)
Darnaway Castle, Earl of Moray Muns., Box 32, Div. V, Bdle I, no. 5
Ferguson, Medieval Papal Reps., App. I, no. 43