People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 4/31/2 (Dryb. Lib., no. 279)

Bernard, bishop-elect of Naples, wishes to make known that in the case between the abbot and convent of Dryburgh and Master Aimery (Emeric), rector of the church of Lauder, concerning that church, certain teinds and other things, called before Master Martin, bishop of Mantua, papal chaplain. Master Bernard de Cardella, clerk, procurator of the abbot and convent of Dryburgh related before Master Martin, provost of Parinensis (sic for Paris?) and auditor-general causarum in curia, against Master Emeric, who calls himself rector of the church of Lauder, that the said church pertained by right to the monastery and the same master occupied it against justice and detained it. Whereby the procurator, in the name of the abbot and convent, petitioned that Aimery be condemned to pay 200 marks in expenses. Theobald de Sens, clerk, substitute procurator for Finato, procurator of Master Aimery, answered in the negative. The same Theobald extended the petition in this manner: before the judges, Master Theobald, procurator of Master Emeric, rector of the church of Lauder, saying and proposing to Master Martin, papal chaplain, against the procurator of Dryburgh that all the teinds situated in the parish of Lauder may pertain to Emeric by common right, the abbot and convent shall pay half of all the greater and lesser teinds in certain villas situated in the parish of Lauder, that is, Pilmuir (BWK), Trabrown (BWK), Whitlaw (BWK), the land which belonged to William ‘de Blendi’, Glengelt (lost, in Lauder ph., BWK), Todlaw (BWK), Whalp Law (now Lyleston Hill, BWK), Addinston (BWK), Burncastle (BWK), which is estimated at 200 marks. Master Bernard of Langardalle, substitute procurator by Master William of Lothian, answered in the negative. Therefore, the suit contested before him, Bernard has adjudged the church of Lauder to Master William of Lothian, procurator of the abbot and convent; that the church of Channelkirk, which belongs to them in full right, shall be absolved from being subjected to them concerning the teinds which the other parties had petitioned; it is agreed that the church of Channelkirk had been the mother and parochial church of all the valley before the church of Lauder was founded there; it was agreed that Emeric, though opposing the other party, had been approved by the diocesan bishop, having been instituted there at the presentation of John de Balliol, who claimed to be patron of the same church, and not by the adverse party.
Firm date
24 July 1252
Dating Notes
1252, Wednesday, 10 kal. Aug. (23 July (x kal. Aug.) was a Tuesday, so this should perhaps be read ‘ix kal.’).
Place date (modern)
Perugia (Sir Guy's house)
Place date (document)
Perusium in hospitio ejusdem Electi scilicet in domo domini Guidonis
Related Place
Source for Data Entry
Dryburgh Liber, no. 279
Trad. ID
Dryb. Lib., no. 279
Calendar number
Charter type
Ferguson, Medieval Papal Reps., App. I, no. 106 Cooper, Select Scottish Cases, no. 41

Total number of associated factoids: 41

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Date Short Summary Title Holder
24 Jul. 1252 bishop-elect Bernard, bishop-elect of Naples
24 Jul. 1252 Master Aimery, clerk, rector of Lauder
24 Jul. 1252 rector of Lauder Aimery, clerk, rector of Lauder
24 Jul. 1252 Master Martin, bishop of Mantua, master, papal chaplain
24 Jul. 1252 bishop of Mantua Martin, bishop of Mantua, master, papal chaplain
24 Jul. 1252 chaplain (papal) Martin, bishop of Mantua, master, papal chaplain
24 Jul. 1252 pope Innocent IV, pope (d.1254)
24 Jul. 1252 Master Bernard de Cardella, master, clerk, procurator
24 Jul. 1252 clerk Bernard de Cardella, master, clerk, procurator
24 Jul. 1252 procurator Bernard de Cardella, master, clerk, procurator
24 Jul. 1252 Master Martin, master, provost of Parma, auditor general
24 Jul. 1252 provost of Parma Martin, master, provost of Parma, auditor general
24 Jul. 1252 auditor-general of cases Martin, master, provost of Parma, auditor general
24 Jul. 1252 clerk Theobald de Sens, clerk
24 Jul. 1252 procurator Finato, procurator
24 Jul. 1252 Master Bernard of Langardalle, master, procurator
24 Jul. 1252 procurator Bernard of Langardalle, master, procurator
24 Jul. 1252 Master William of Cunningham/Lothian, master (fl.1239-51)
24 Jul. 1252 procurator William of Cunningham/Lothian, master (fl.1239-51)
24 Jul. 1252 patron John Balliol (d.1268)
24 Jul. 1252 bishop Unknown, bishop of St Andrews (13C/14C)
24 Jul. 1252 Dominus (Lord/Sir) Guy (in Perugia)
24 Jul. 1252 Master Richard de Anania, master, clerk
24 Jul. 1252 clerk Hugh de Roseto, clerk
24 Jul. 1252 clerk Richard de Anania, master, clerk
24 Jul. 1252 clerk Adam de Cuic, clerk

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
24 Jul. 1252 Land of William ‘de Blendi’ William de Blendi
24 Jul. 1252 Church of Channelkirk (BWK) Dryburgh Abbey (fd.1150)