Pope Honorius III writes to William, prior of Paisley Abbey, taking the monastery into his protection; the possessions and goods which they possess canonically and other privileges and goods which they have or may acquire by papal permission, by the liberality of kings or the gifts of the faithful, may remain with the prior and his successors, including the place on which the church is situated, with the chapel of Lochwinnoch (RNF), the churches of Innerwick (ELO), Legerwood (BWK), Cathcart (LAN), Rutherglen (LAN), Carmunnock (LAN), Pollock (LAN), Mearns (RNF), Neilston (RNF), Kilbarchan (RNF), the church of the villa of Hugh (Houston, RNF), Killellan (RNF), Erskine (RNF), Kilmacolm (RNF), Inverkip (RNF), Prestwick (AYR), the other Prestwick, Dalziel (LAN), Craigie (AYR), Turnberry (AYR), with their chapels; the land which lies on either side of the water of Cart which Walter, son of Alan, the king’s steward, founder of the monastery, assigned to them; a ploughgate of land formerly held by Grimketil, now called Arkleston (RNF); a ploughgate of land between Cart (i.e, Black Cart Water) and River Gryfe, now called ‘Island’ (Abbotsinch, RNF); the land of Dripps (LAN) that William, son of Maiduse, held at ferme of the monastery; a ploughgate of land at Huntlaw (ROX), which King William exchanged with land that they had at Hassendean (ROX); a ploughgate of land bestowed to them by the noble woman [mulier] Eschina of Mow; a fishery on the water of Clyde, between Partick (LAN) and ‘Island’ (Abbotsinch, RNF) ; a yearly rent of half a mark which is paid from the ferme of the burgh of Renfrew, and the mill of the said burgh, a full toft in Renfrew; one net for salmon; the land at Renfrew next to the mill where certain of the monks had lived before; one ploughgate of land at Innerwick with common pasture in the same villa; all the mill of Innerwick except a rent of one mark; one saltpan in Callendar; all the land of Prestwick with its pertinents which is now called the ‘villa of the monks’ (Monkton, AYR); the land of Moniabrock (RNF); a yearly rent of 5 marks from Mauchline (AYR); the mill of Paisley with full suit, held by the abbey from Nobleman Walter, son of Alan, steward of the king of Scots and patron of the monastery; an annual rent of two chalders of flour from the ferme of the same mill which the same steward bestowed; half the fishery at the outlet of the loch of Lochwinnoch (RNF), with liberty of fishing in the loch as often as the said steward or his heirs shall be fishing there; the land of ‘Penuld’, now called Fulton, bestowed to them by the late Henry de St Martin with the assent of his lord; the land between the Maich water and the Calder; part of the land where the mill of Paisley stands, assigned them by the said steward; land on the other side Cart, between the Espedair burn and Old Patrick Water, just as the said steward gave them, with liberties in the forest of Paisley and ‘Senecathin’; land at Carnbroe (LAN), which they have from the gift of the late Uctred, son of Pagan; land at ‘Orde’ (Perhaps Kirkurd PEB?), from the gift of the late Walter Murdoch; a rent of one chalder of corn, from the donation of Nobleman Patrick, earl of Dunbar; a rent of one chalder of corn and half a mark at Cadzow (LAN), from the gift of Robert of London, of good memory, brother of the king of Scots; a rent of one mark at Kilbride, from the gift of Philip de Valognes, of good memory; a fishery on Leven, from the gift of Nobleman, Malcolm [sic Maldoven], earl of Lennox; land at Mothewell, from the gift of the late Thomas, son of Thancard; land called Garrion (LAN), from the gift of the late Ralph of Clere; from the gift of Nobleman Duncan, earl of Carrick, the land of Crossraguel (AYR), ‘Suthblan’ (now Blanefield, AYR), one ploughgate in Ireland at ‘Dumals’ which is called ‘Tibiror’, and all teinds of his manse, rents and escheats; in addition, sake and soke, toll and team and infangthief, and other liberties granted by William, king of Scots, and Walter the steward, with [pertinents] and all other liberties and immunities. The abbey is exempt from tithes on new lands brought under cultivation by them or at their expense. They are also exempt from tithes on the offspring of their animals. They are permitted to take in whatever clerics or laymen have fled from the secular world and have converted freely, and to retain them without any contradiction. None of the brothers, after making their profession, shall be permitted to depart without the permission of the abbot, unless to undertake stricter orders; no one may intend to depart without the surety of common letters; he prohibits anyone from giving or alienating lands or other benefices of the church without the consent of all the chapter or a major or sound part of it, if this shall happen, he shall decree it invalid. They are permitted in their own cases, whether civil or criminal, to maintain disputes, to use testimonies of their brethren, lest through the absence of witnesses justice is lost. In the parish churches, he is permitted to elect priests and present [them] to the bishop; if they are suitable, the bishop may commit cure of souls to them so that they may answer for spiritual and temporal dues. They are permitted the right to celebrate divine office privately and quietly during a general interdict. They may have the privilege of anointment, holy oil, dedications of the altar or basilica, benedictions of the abbots, ordinations of the clerics or monks, and all other ecclesiastical sacraments, preferred from any bishop in the kingdom of the Scots who is in communion with the apostolic see. No one is permitted to construct a cemetery or oratory within the boundaries of the parishes of the churches, saving the privileges of the papacy. Burial, for those who shall decide to be buried in that place, will be unimpeded, except for those excommunicated or under interdict, saving justice to the church where they are buried. On the death of the abbot, or his successors, no one may be advanced to that office by deceit or violence, unless the brothers by common consent, or a majority of them, shall provide that the abbot be elected in accordance with the Benedictine rule. He establishes all the liberties and immunities indulged by kings, princes or other faithful. He prohibits anyone from committing robbery, theft, arson, blood-shed, seizing and killing men or committing other violence within the boundaries of the abbey’s places or granges. The pope directs that no man is permitted to disturb the church or carry away its possessions; saving to the bishop canonical justice and reverence and the authority of the apostolic see. Should any secular person attempt to go against this, after three warnings if he should not make amends, he may lost his honour and be liable to divine justice, and subject himself to retribution.