Document 2/139/4 (Theiner, no. 4 )
- Description
- Pope Honorius III writes to King Alexander II and his ‘fautours’, upbraiding him for having departed both from his faith to his natural lord, and his devotion to the Roman Church his mother, not being ashamed to forsake these; that he ought to suffer if need be, imprisonment and exile, and keep truth and loyalty. The pope earnestly commands and urges him by apostolic letters, that having regard to the tender age of his beloved son in Jesus Christ, Henry the king of England, and to the Church of Rome, forsaking evil counsel, he return to the fealty of the said king, and his devotion to the apostolic see, notwithstanding his disloyal oaths made to Louis, the Dauphin; unless he does this quickly, he is not wise. The pope promises his special grace and the favour of the apostolic see, and moreover to aid him in recovering Henry’s favour, and also his own right.
- Firm date
- 16 January 1217
- Dating Notes
- 16 kal. Feb., pontifical year 1
- Place date (modern)
- Lateran
- Place date (document)
- Laterani
- Related Place
- Lateran
- Source for Data Entry
- Theiner, Monumenta, no. 4
- Trad. ID
- Theiner, no. 4
- Calendar number
- 2/139/4
- Charter type
- Papal letter
- Language
- Latin
- Notes
- TNA, SC 1/11/82