People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/17/26 (Lenn. Cart., 35-6)

Maldoven, earl of Lennox, has given, granted, and has established by this his present charter, to Stephen of Blantyre, the whole half-ploughgate of the land of Killearn (STL), namely, that half in which the church is built, which is called 'Lecheracherach' in Gaelic, by its right bounds, with all the freedoms belonging to it and its easments, without any withholding, and with all pleas and suits which could come about within that land, both relating to our court as well as to his court, with only sentence of life and limbs alone excepted. He has given, moreover, and granted, and has established by this his present charter, to the said Stephen and his heirs and their assignees, the advowson of the said church of Killearn. He therefore wills and grants for himself and on behalf of his heirs, that the said Stephen and his heirs or their assignees should have and hold the said half-portion of the land of Killearn and the advowson of the church of Killearn, by hereditary right, of him and his heirs for ever, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, and honourably, in woods and plains, in roads and footpaths, in mills and ponds, in rivers and streams, in birds and game, in lands cultivated and uncultivated, and in all other easements belonging to the said land of Killearn: doing the forinsec service of the lord king inasmuch as it belongs to that land, and making suit at his court, just to two yearly chief pleas, in return for all services, customs, aids, exactions and demands. And he and his heirs shall warrant, discharge, and defend the said half-ploughgate of land at Killearn with the advowson of the said church of Killearn, to the said Stephen and his heirs or their assignees, against all men and women for ever. In testimony of this matter his seal has been attached to his present charter.
Firm date
May 1234 X 1241
Probable date
Dating Notes
Attestation of John, sheriff of Stirling × death of Walter son of Alan (II) the steward.
Source for Data Entry
Lennox Cartulary, 35-6
Trad. ID
Lenn. Cart., 35-6
Calendar number
Charter type

Total number of associated factoids: 13