Angus, son of Donald, for the welfare of his lord Alexander, illustrious king of Scotland, and for the health of Alexander his son, and for the health of himself and his heirs, has given, granted, and established by his charter, to St James and St Mirren of Paisley Abbey the church of St Queran in his land of Kintyre (Kilkerran, ARG), in free, pure and perpetual alms, with all its just pertinents.
Firm date
4 April 1241 X 8 July 1249
Dating Notes
Birth of Alexander III × death of Alexander II.
Source for Data Entry
Paisley Registrum, 127-8
Trad. ID
Pais. Reg., 127-8
Calendar number
Charter type
Contained in an inspection by Laurence, bishop of Argyll. Angus was a member of the MacDonald kindred, lords of Islay.