Document 3/15/103 (Kel. Lib., no. 303)
- Description
- William, son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar, has given, granted, and by this his present charter has established, to Kelso Abbey, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, the church of Fogo (BWK), with all its pertinents, namely with the toft (mansio) that John, the dean, in his time, used to hold, and with the croft that belongs to it, and the land adjoining that croft, which stretches southwards to Green Rig (boundaries follow in extensor); also another land on the east side of the villa of Fogo, with tofts and crofts, and the dwellings that are on them; he has also given and granted to Kelso Abbey all the land in his territory of Fogo that John, the dean, in his time, held in the name of the church of Fogo, and by specified boundaries (which follow); furthermore, he has given to Kelso Abbey four acres of land adjoining the Abbey’s land on the east side, which lie on both sides of the road to Berwick, which is called ‘Ricardflat’ next to Blackadder (Water); he therefore wishes the monks of Kelso to have and possess the church and all its pertinents in perpetuity, that is, with the lands and meadows that belong to it, and with all the liberties of the church, and all the easements of the villa of Fogo that John, the dean used to have in the whole of his time. And for the sake of charity, he has given and granted this church, these dwellings, lands, meadows, pastures, and other easements, for the salvation of his own soul, and for the souls of all his ancestors and successors, to have and to hold in perpetuity as freely, quietly, and fully as any other alms are freely, quietly, and fully had and held in the kingdom of Scotland; and that his donation and grant may surely remain valid in times to come he has endorsed the present document by attaching his seal.
- Firm date
- 1200 X circa 1222
- Probable date
- perhaps 1211 × 1222
- Dating Notes
- While Walter Lindsay was still sheriff of Berwick, but after his earliest attestation (2/67/4 × 2/10/153); perhaps earlier, from the known floruit of Bernard of Hadden.
- Source for Data Entry
- Kelso Liber, i, no. 303
- Trad. ID
- Kel. Lib., no. 303
- Calendar number
- 3/15/103
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin