Patrick, son of Sir P[atrick] (I) earl of Dunbar, notifies Sir A[lexander II], king of Scots, that he has resigned and quitclaimed to Coldingham Priory the little villa called Swinwood (BWK) which his predecessors kept and occupied without any right, as in the charter of King Edgar which Thomas, prior of Coldingham, had shown him [Patrick] and attested it, and had demonstrated fully St Cuthbert’s right to the villa. He earnestly beseeches the king that out of godly piety and love and reverence for the glorious confessor Cuthbert, whom his ancestors loved with a special love, that he will establish it to God and St Cuthbert and the said monks.
Firm date
30 March 1231 X 31 December 1232
Dating Notes
Quitclaim of Swinwood (_ND_, no. 126) × death of Earl Patrick (I) of Dunbar