Malcolm, earl of Fife, has given, granted and by his charter established to God and Blessed Mary and Blessed Serf of Culross and the monks of the Cistercian order serving God there in perpetuity (i.e., Culross Abbey), for the foundation of their new abbey, for the welfare of the soul of his lord King William and the prosperity of his lord King Alexander, king of Scotland, and all their ancestors and successors, and for the welfare of the soul of himself and his father and mother and the souls of all his ancestors and successors, the whole shire of Culross (FIF) , by its right bounds, with church and castle and all just pertinents, and the shire and lands of Cults (FIF), Inzievar (FIF), Crombie (FIF), and a toft within the villa of ‘Castletoune’ (Dunimarle Castle, FIF), and £20 sterling annually from the monastery of North Berwick (ELO) in perpetuity and £10 annually from the Earl’s Ferry, the church of Tullibole (KNR) with all its just pertinents, and the land of Gogar (CLA) next to the Water of Devon with 60s. sterling yearly from the ferme of Logie-Airthrey (STL) for the 60 acres of the said land of Gogar which was taken away from the monks by perambulation of the country in the presence of Earl Malcolm, and £33 6s. 8d. of annual rental in the villa of Cupar (FIF) and the mills of the same villa for the lands of Mountquhanie (FIF) and Rathillet (FIF), which had previously belonged to the monks but which they resigned to the earl for this sum of money, in free forest, in feu and heritage, with sake and soke, toll, team and infangthief, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Firm date
5 December 1214 X 6 December 1229
Probable date
1217 or 1218
Dating Notes
This charter was confirmed by King Alexander II on 15 Nov. 1230, perhaps in response to Malcolm’s death (_Handlist_, no. 143). It mentions that Alexander was already king. The convent left Kinloss on 23 Feb. ‘1217’ and arrived at Culross on 18 March. The Chronicle of Melrose usually used a 1 Jan. New Year, so this probably is 1217 N.S. Despite the Melrose Chronicle’s entry under the year 1230, Earl Malcolm I seems to have died in 1229, by 6 December (_Holyrood Lib._, App. II, no. 13). Thanks to Andrew MacEwen for bringing this to our attention.
Source for Data Entry
RRS, v, no. 141 (Inspection of Robert I dated 5 Dec. 1318 of 1225 inspection of Alexander II)
Trad. ID
RRS, v, no. 141
Calendar number
Charter type
On authenticity of inspection, see Duncan, RRS, v, 419.
On places, Simon Taylor, Place-Names of Fife, vol. I, 223-4.