Document 1/7/126 (RRS, iii, no. 123)
- Description
- King Alexander II for Melrose Abbey; has granted that donation which John de Normanville made of that part of land in territory of Maxton (ROX) by marches contained in his charter, with free transit for monks, and their work animals, wagons and servants, through John's own land of Maxton
- Firm date
- 22 July 1226
- Dating Notes
- 22nd day of July, regnal year 12
- Place date (modern)
- Selkirk
- Place date (document)
- Seleschr'
- Related Place
- Selkirk
- Source for Data Entry
- RRS, iii, no. 123
- Trad. ID
- RRS, iii, no. 123
- Calendar number
- 1/7/126
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin
- Document type notes
- Formerly H1/7/133; Handlist, no. 106
- Original (contemporary)
- yes
- Notes
- NRS, GD 55/245
- Document Image
the Models of Authority website for an image of this charter with transcription,
translation, etc.