The dean and chapter of Dunblane, with unanimous wish and consent, have granted and established the inspections and instruments of collation and confirmation by the venerable father, Simon, Jonathan, Abraham and Osbert, former bishops, and certainly by Bishop Clement, by which they conceded to Cambuskenneth Abbey the churches of Kincardine (i.e., Kincardine in Menteith, PER), Tullibody (CLA) and Tillicoultry (CLA) in the diocese of Dunblane, by which the abbey obtained all the profits and fruits of the churches for their own use; also the agreement made between Clement, bishop of Dunblane, and the abbot of Cambuskenneth, through the bishops of Glasgow and Dunkeld, by the authority of the pope, which stipulated that the abbey would pay 4 marks annually for the vicar who should officiate for them in the church of Dunblane and that the abbot and his successors should be canons in the same church; also, Cambuskenneth should assign 4 marks to the church of Dunkeld after the death of Master Hugh del Bois, who holds the church of Tullibody, and should be freed from paying the fourth of teinds and the institution of vicars in the churches of Kincardine, Tullibody and Tillicoultry.