Hugh Herock, burgess of Elgin, by the consent of his wife Margaret, specially for the welfare of the soul of Alexander the third, illustrious king of Scotland, and for the welfare of Lord Archibald, bishop of Moray, has given, granted and by this his present charter established in pure and perpetual alms, to the church of the Holy Trinity of Elgin and Bishop Archibald and the dean and chapter of the cathedral, his whole land of ‘Daldeleyt’ (prob. Dandaleith, MOR), for the support of two perpetual chaplains, one at the altar of St Nicholas in the cathedral church of Elgin and one at the altar of the Holy Cross at the parish church of Elgin, and grants 12 marks annually for their salaries; holding in pure and perpetual alms, as freely as any alms in the kingdom of Scotland, saving the forinsec service to the king.
Firm date
8 September 1286
Dating Notes
Sunday in the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 1286.