People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Place: DNB (Dunbartonshire) >> Kilgerintyn/ Gilgirinane

'Kilgerintyn' and 'Gilgirinane' are likely the same place. The latter is stated to be close to 'Cartonwene', which we know was part of Gartconnell (in Bearsden), and the latter is placed next to Auchincloich, which was near Craigtoun and Laighpark. So it is likely this place was in New Kilpatrick parish DNB. Now, in 3/17/50, the place is associated with both 'Cartonwene' and ‘Tyrwaldouny’, a lost place which is likely garbled. If the 'w' is to be taken as an 'm', and taken in conjunction with the garbled 'kil-' names, this may be reflected in the modern place Kilmardinny, the place which is mapped here. That place appears in Blaeu map as 'Kilmorduny'. Furthermore, the surrounding lands, such as Mains, were later held by the Galbraith family.

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
circa 1272 X 27 Apr. 1296 ‘Banchorane’ (Bannachra?), ‘Keangerloch’, Finnart (Rhu, DNB), ‘Buchmonyn’ (Balfunning, STL), ‘Kilgerintyn’ and ‘Auchincloich’ (DNB) Arthur Galbraith