People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Place: SCOTLAND >> Unmapped (Scotland)

County uncertain

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Date Short Summary Primary Witnesses
unavailable Gift of land formerly held by Henry Wallace no
unavailable Gift of land that was held by Henry Wallace no
unavailable Gift of land that once belonged to Henry Wallace no
unavailable Gift of land formerly held by Henry Wallace no
unavailable Grant of churches (unspecified) within St Andrews diocese no
unavailable Confirmation of unspecified churches in St Andrews diocese no
unavailable Grant of unspecified churches to Dryburgh Abbey no
unavailable Grant of churches in Lothian no
unavailable Agreement between Roger, bishop-elect, and Prior Bertram no
unavailable Agreement between Roger, bishop-elect, and Prior Bertram no
unavailable Agreement concerning churches in Lothian no
unavailable Agreement between Roger, bishop-elect of St Andrews and Bertram, prior of Durham no
unavailable Donation of Granton, the land of Stenhouse, and land held by Richard Hangdevil no
unavailable Gift of churches in Galloway no
unavailable Grant of unknown possessions no
unavailable Gift and grant of William, king of Scots to Arbroath Abbey no
unavailable Gift and grant of William, king of Scots to Arbroath Abbey no
unavailable Gift of peatery no
unavailable Gift of peatary and land given by Philip de Vermelles no
unavailable Grant of unspecified churches to Dryburgh Abbey no
unavailable Gift of unnamed churches in diocese of St Andrews no
unavailable Gift of unnamed churches in diocese of Dunkeld no
unavailable Gift of unnamed churches in diocese of Aberdeen no
unavailable Grant of churches in diocese of Aberdeen (unnamed) no
unavailable Grant of churches in diocese of Aberdeen (not specified) no
unavailable Grant of churches in diocese of Aberdeen no
unavailable Settlement of vicarages in diocese of St Andrews no
unavailable Agreement concerning churches in St Andrews and Glasgow dioceses no
unavailable Infeftment of manor of Athelgalthwyn no
unavailable Delivery of manor of Athelgalthwyn for three years no
undated Gift of land and money in Kelso (ROX) and Berwick (BWK) yes John, son of Arnold son of Peter of Kelso; Juet, wife of Arnold son of Philip of Kelso; William, chaplain of Kelso; William, mercer (Kelso)
unavailable Gift of lands in Scotland in regality no
unavailable Gift of lands to Arbroath Abbey no
unavailable Gift of property to Arbroath Abbey no
unavailable Gifts of alms lands from kings of Scotland no
unavailable Concession of custody of lands and tenements which used to belong to Richard of Glen and the marriage of his heirs no Edward I, king of England (d.1307)
unavailable Gift of land of ‘Kyppen’ no
unavailable Gift of 2 1/2 acres at Harcarse (BWK), arable land of Sorrowlessfield (ROX) and 'Moresschele' no
unavailable Gift of land near River 'Crumboch' (PER) no
unavailable Gift of land near River 'Crumboch' (PER) in exchange for land near the River Tay (PER) no
unavailable Gift of lands of John Balliol in Galloway no
unavailable Gift of lands in Galloway to John de St John no
unavailable Forfeiture of John Balliol, king of Scots no
unavailable Gift of dower for marriage between Margaret and Eric, king of Norway no
unavailable Gift to church of Tranent (ELO) no
unavailable Gift of Craigarn no
unavailable Escheat of John son of Margaret no
unavailable Escheat of John son of Margaret no
unavailable Gift of 'Cuthilmyre' no
X 2 Feb. 1174 Gift of church of Kilmaurs (AYR) yes Chapter of Kelso; Hugh of Morebattle; Milo of Stichill; Roger of Morebattle; Waltheof of Prenderguest

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
undated Land of Thomas Hay Thomas Hay (son of William)
25 Mar. 1173 Land of Arnold Arnold (landholder in LAN or AYR?)
1185 X 1189 Land held of Richard de Malville Richard Hangdevil
1189 X 1195 land of son of Donald Kelso Abbey
circa 1190 X 1241 Land of David Lindsay David Lindsay (I or II)
2 Feb. 1194 Churches in Lothian Durham Cathedral Priory
1202 Land of Hugh de Hodene Hugh de Hodene (Howden?)
7 Mar., 1217 X 1219 Tofts in king's burghs Arbroath Abbey (fd.1178)
6 Aug. 1219 X 6 Nov. 1228 Land held from Walter Stewart, son of Alan Henry Wallace Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241)
6 Aug. 1219 X 6 Nov. 1228 Unspecified land held by Henry Wallace Henry Wallace
6 Aug. 1219 X 6 Nov. 1228 Unspecified land held of Walter Stewart Henry Wallace Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241)
1223 X 29 May 1223 Land of Mundeloven (unidentified) Newbattle Abbey (fd.1140)
13 Jan. 1226 Mills held in benefice from Dunfermline Abbey Acontius, master, subdeacon and papal chaplain Dunfermline Abbey (fd.1128)
6 Nov. 1228 Unspecified land Henry Wallace
1242 X 1250 Demesne of David Oliphant David Oliphant (13C)
28 Jun. 1243 X 7 Dec. 1254 Churches in dioceses of St Andrews and Glasgow Kelso Abbey
28 Jun. 1243 X 7 Dec. 1254 Land and rents (various) of Kelso Abbey Kelso Abbey
circa 14 Sept. 1248 X 14 Sept. 1286 Land of Malcolm Murray Malcolm Murray, knight
10 Aug. 1253 X 17 Oct. 1253 land around Bradwell Unknown, chanter of Berwick
10 Aug. 1253 X 17 Oct. 1253 Land around Bradwelle Unknown, chanter of Berwick
19 May 1262 Sasine of manor of Athelgalthwyn Simon Bayard; Isabel, wife of Simon Bayard
8 May 1263 Land of Stephen of Blantyre Stephen of Blantyre
Thursday 13 Sept. 1263 Land of ‘Chalethinke’ Margaret of Ceres, wife of Michael Scott
23 May 1273 Land of Newbattle Abbey Newbattle Abbey (fd.1140)
10 Jul. 1289 X Land near River Crumboch (PER) Reginald Cheyne, younger, lord of Duffus
10 Jul. 1289 X Manor near River 'Crumboch' (PER) Alexander Comyn, earl of Buchan (d.1289)
14 Nov. 1292 Unspecified lands and tenements Richard of Glen Unknown, king of Scotland (interregnum)
25 Mar. 1293 X 10 Nov. 1293 Land of 'Lyllocheffylde' Alexander Scrymgeour (d.1306)
25 Dec. 1296 Land of John Stewart John Stewart of Bunkle (d.1298)
Jun. 1297 Castle and barony of Glasrog James Stewart (d.1309)
Jun. 1297 Castle and barony of Glasrog James Stewart (d.1309)
22 Apr. 1299 House of Gertranky Thomas of Morham, knight
circa 1300 Unspecified land Alexander Abernethy (d. 1315x17)
2 Feb. 1301 Lands of William Ferrers in Galloway William de Ferrers (d.1325), son of William de Ferrers; Edward I, king of England (d.1307)
May 1304 Lands belonging to John Balliol John Balliol, king of Scots (d.1314)
May 1304 Lands in Galloway belonging to Thomas, son of Alan of Galloway Thomas, son of Alan of Galloway
1 Mar., 1306 X 1307 Lands of Hugh de Champagne in Galloway Hugh de Campania (Champagne)
14 Oct. 1308 Unspecified lands, teinds and returns Arbroath Abbey (fd.1178)
15 Apr. 1310 Lands and tenements of Arbroath Abbey Arbroath Abbey (fd.1178)
20 Mar. 1312 Land of David Brechin in Lyiardwode David of Brechin (d.1320)
20 Mar. 1312 Land of John, marischal in Tocstrother John, marischal (late13C)
12 Apr. 1312 Granges, priory, lands or baronies of Arbroath Arbroath Abbey (fd.1178)
12 Apr. 1312 Granges, priory, lands or baronies of Arbroath Arbroath Abbey (fd.1178)