Summary |
Witnesses |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of ‘Carneclet’ (Carvecset?), villas of ‘Thorefil Asser’ (Thorkel, Kirk Michael), Great Melan, ‘St Melii’ (Kirk Malew), and ‘Narwe’, and ‘Stainredale’ (Stamerdale?), St ‘Corebric’ (Corebrie?) and ‘Fragerwl’ (?Fagerul) |
no |
1134 |
Concession of right of election of bishops of the Isles to Furness Abbey |
yes |
Eudo, abbot of Furness; Fin; Gill'; Gill', prior of Furness; Hugh, priest (Furness); John, son of Macmars; Snetol, son of Cutello; Thurkil, son of Fugl; W., monk (Furness); William, priest (Furness) |
1142 X 1183 |
Gift of land of moor of Skeldhou (Isle of Man) |
yes |
Adam, persona of Millum; Alan, son of Ketell; Edward, son of Ulf; Hugh, son of Edward/Siward; Ivo, dean of Lopeland; John, son of Pont; Ketill, brother of Edward; Richard, son of Pont; Robert, priest of Punzurebi; Roger, prior of Furness; William Lugbrigt; William of Esbie; William, son of John son of Pont |
10 Oct. 1154 X 1158 |
Gift of lands called 'Eschedala' and 'Asmundertoftes' in exchange for church of St Olaf and villula called 'Euastad' |
yes |
Gamel (Gamaliel), bishop of the Isles; Gilchrist, foster-brother of King Godred; Thomas, chaplain of King Godred |