Summary |
Witnesses |
unavailable |
Donation of church of Langton (BWK) |
no |
unavailable |
Donation of Roger d'Eu |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of church of Langton (BWK) |
no |
unavailable |
Gifts of possessions in St Andrews Diocese to Kelso Abbey |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of the church of Langton (BWK) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of church of Langton (BWK) |
no |
unavailable |
Gift of the church of Langton (BWK) |
no |
circa 12 Jun. 1152 X 1166 |
Gift of church of Langton (BWK) |
yes |
Gamel, dean of Fogo (fl.1150×62); Henry, persona of Langton; Hugh d'Eu; Hugh of Duns; Robert son of Randolph; Thomas d'Eu |
10 May, 1166 X 1176 |
Confirmation of possessions and concession of protection |
yes |
1173 X 1178 |
Grant of land of Bolton (ELO), Carriden (WLO), and Langton (BWK) |
yes |
Bernard, son of Brian, lord of Hadden; David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219); Hugh Ridel (I) (12C); John of London (?d.a.1190); Robert de Quincy (d.1200x01); Walter de Bidun (d.1178) |
1178 X 16 Jan. 1188 |
Renewal of churches of Kelso Abbey |
yes |
25 Mar. 1182 |
Grant of a privilege of protection, and confirming possessions, rights, and immunities |
yes |
1191 X 29 Jul. 1198 |
Gift of church of Langton (BWK) |
yes |
Adam of Hirsel, master, persona (fl.1180×1232); Guy, abbot of Lindores (d.1219); John of Duns; John, dean of Fogo (fl.1194-c.1220); Simon of Stirlington; Waltheof of Aldbury; William of Boltby ; William of Butmond; William of Chapelton |
15 Feb. 1198 X 6 Jun. 1199 |
*Renewal of churches belonging to Kelso Abbey |
yes |
Hugh, king's chaplain and clerk (episcopal witness); Isaac Scott, master, clerk; Ranulf de Wat, archdeacon of St Andrews (d.1209); Richard of Leicester, chaplain of Bishop Roger of St Andrews; Richard, chaplain of Bishop Roger of St Andrews; William of Hailes, master, dean of St Andrews (fl.1189×98); William of Lyne, master (fl.1197-1202) |
15 Feb. 1198 X 7 Jul. 1202 |
Renewal of churches in diocese of St Andrews |
yes |
24 Aug. 1198 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
Renewal of the church of Langton (BWK) |
yes |
Andrew Maunsel (late 12C-early 13C); Gilbert, clerk of Morebattle; Hugh, king's chaplain (TRW); Ingram, clerk of King William; Matilda of St Andrews; Richard of London (ca1200); Roger of Lalescreie'; William de Chateau; William de Vieuxpont, son of William (III) |
24 Aug. 1198 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
* Gift of additional land so that the church of Langton's endowment totals one ploughgate (BWK) |
yes |
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
Renewal of the church of Langton (BWK) |
yes |
Andrew Maunsel (late 12C-early 13C); Hugh, king's chaplain (TRW); Ingram, clerk of King William; John Maxwell, chamberlain, sheriff of Roxburgh (d.1241); John, dean of Fogo (fl.1194-c.1220); Roger of Lalescreie'; William de Vieuxpont, 'junior brother'; William de Vieuxpont, son of William (III) |
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
Renewal of the church of Langton (BWK) |
yes |
Andrew Maunsel (late 12C-early 13C); Hugh, king's chaplain (TRW); Ingram, clerk of King William; John, dean of Fogo (fl.1194-c.1220); Matilda of St Andrews; Roger of Lalescreie'; William de Vieuxpont, son of William (III) |
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
* Gift of additional land so that the church of Langton's endowment totals one ploughgate (BWK) |
yes |
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
* Gift of additional land so that the church of Langton's endowment totals one ploughgate (BWK) |
yes |
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 |
* Gift of land called 'Colemannesfflat' in Langton (BWK) |
yes |
circa 1240 X 1253 |
Gift of toft and croft in villa of Langton (BWK) and one over ‘Milnerig’ |
yes |
Adam of Makerstoun, master, provost (d.1280×86); Herbert, chaplain of Langton; Hugh, clerk of Soutra; John of Dalham (mid13C); R., brother of Adam of Makerstoun; William de Vieuxpont, son of William (III); William, son of Earl Patrick (I) (d.1253) |
30 Nov. 1240 |
Ordination of vicarages of Langton (BWK) and Cranston (MLO) |
yes |
Adam, archdeacon of St Andrews (fl.1240-48); Alan of Hartside, serviens; Alexander of Edinburgh, master, clerk of Bishop David; Hugh of Melburne, master; J. de Mortimer; John White, prior of St Andrews (d.1258); R. de Bowden; W. Maitland; Walter de Mortimer, dean of Glasgow (d.1270×71) |
circa 1299 |
Kelso abbey rental: spiritualities |
yes |
circa 8 Aug. 1299 |
Kelso abbey rental: temporalities (Langton, BWK) |
yes |
20 Oct. 1309 |
Gift of the baronies of Bolton (ELO) and Langton (BWK) |
yes |
16 Apr. 1366 |
Renewal of royal grants anent Bolton (ELO), Carriden (WLO) and Langton (BWK) |
yes |
29 Sept. 1271 |
Resignation of annual rent of 10 marks and ferme of teinds of Langton (BWK) |
yes |