Summary |
1189 X 1195 |
Confirmation of oxgang in Sprouston (ROX) |
1/6/277 (RRS, ii, no. 306) |
1189 X 1195 |
Gift of one toft in burgh of Haddington |
1/6/341 (RRS, ii, no. 369) |
22 June, 1199 X 1214 |
Confirmation of two peaces made between Kelso and Melrose Abbeys |
1/6/459 (RRS, ii, no. 493) |
7 May, 1202 X 1207 |
Succession of land of Yester, Lethington, toft in burgh of Crail, toft in Haddington |
1/6/426 (RRS, ii, no. 459) |
24 April, 1203 X 1204 |
Confirmation of churches of Dunning and St Serf of Monzievaird (PER) |
1/6/406 (RRS, ii, no. 439) |
17 March 1207 X 17 March 1210 |
Quitclaim of right in church of Tranent (ELO) |
3/23/1 (Holy. Lib., no. 37) |
31 July, 1218 X 1221 |
Renewal of marches between Coldingham and Bunkle (BWK) |
1/7/45 (RRS, iii, no. 45) |
31 July, 1218 X 1221 |
Instruction that woods of monks of Coldingham be under protection of prior and monks |
1/7/44 (RRS, iii, no. 44) |