People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Calixtus II, pope (d.1124)

Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of Popes, 164-65: Calixtus was born around 1050 as Guido, the son of Count William of Burgundy. He had a brother, Hugh, who was archbishop of Besançon. He was made archbishop of Vienne in 1088 and papal legate in France during the pontificate of Paschal II. He was later made cardinal by Paschal. He was elected pope after the death of Pope Gelasius and was crowned in that office at Vienne on 9 February 1119. Calixtus died on 14 December 1124.
1119 × 1122
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Request to delay profession of obedience Addressee 2/123/8 (ESC, no. 45)
unavailable Earlier letter about the presumption of the bishops in Scotland Addressor 2/123/4 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 7 )
unavailable Letter concerning John, bishop of Glasgow and his refusal to give obedience Addressee 2/123/8 (ESC, no. 45)
unavailable Previous command of obedience Addressor 2/125/1 (ESC, no. 102)
unavailable Letter from Thurstan, archbishop of York, concerning John, bishop of Glasgow Addressee 2/123/7 (Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, ii, I, 21-22)
unavailable Previous command of obedience Addressor 2/125/2 (Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, ii, I, 217)
20 Nov. 1119 Statement concerning consecration of Archbishop Thurstan Addressor 2/123/1 (Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, ii, I, 193)
20 Nov. 1119 Command not to consecrate bishops in churches except by archbishop of York Addressor 2/123/2 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 5)
20 Nov. 1119 *Command of obedience Addressor 2/123/2 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 5)
22 Feb. 1120 Confirmation of general privileges of Cluniac Order Grantor 2/123/3 (Pais. Reg., 278-81)
15 Jan. 1122 Command of obedience Addressor 2/123/4 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 7 )
15 Jan. 1122 Command of obedience Addressor 2/123/6 (Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, ii, I, 205-6)
15 Jan. 1122 Command of obedience Addressor 2/123/5 (ESC, no. 44)
16 May 1122 Statement concerning John, bishop of Glasgow Addressor 2/123/7 (Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, ii, I, 21-22)
26 Aug. 1122 Command to return to York to profess obedience Addressor 2/123/8 (ESC, no. 45)