People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Alexander IV, pope (d.1261)

Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of Popes, 193-94: Alexander was born Rinaldo, count of Segni, and was a nephew of Gregory IX, who created him cardinal-deacon of St Eustace's in 1227 and in 1231 was made cardinal-bishop of Ostia, being consecrated in 1235. He was elected to succeed Innocent IV on 7 or 12 December 1254 and died on 25 May 1261 at Viterbo. He was the son of Filippo, Conti di Jenne, and was born around 1185 in Jenne, near Rome. He was educated at Paris and received his doctorate before 1221. He might have been a Franciscan or Benedictine. He was a subdeacon before being created cardinal deacon in September 1227. He was Camerlengo of the Holy See in 1227. He was dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals in 1244. He was also a papal legate in Viterbo, Lombardy, Ferentino and other places. He is buried in the cathedral of St Lorenzo in Viterbo. []
1255 × 1261
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 222

Listing items 1 to 50, page 1 of 3

Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Concession to retain benefices Grantor 2/144/35 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 331)
unavailable Request to grant concession to hold two benefices Addressor 2/144/60 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 346)
unavailable Confirmation of vicarages of Arbroath Abbey Grantor 2/144/62 (Abdn. Reg., i, 23-26)
unavailable Petition concerning right of patronage of churches Addressee 2/144/75 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 19)
unavailable Petition of Bishop Archibald of Moray Addressee 2/144/23 (Moray Reg., no. 104)
unavailable Letters concerning revenues and profits of church of Smailholm (BWK) Addressee 2/144/66 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 13)
unavailable Appointment of papal judges-delegate Addressor 4/32/94 (Moray Reg., no. 122)
unavailable Appointment of papal judges-delegate Addressor 4/32/96 (Moray Reg., no. 105)
unavailable Petition of abbot and convent of Lesmahagow Addressee 2/144/86 (HMC 14, no. 82 )
unavailable Petition of abbot and convent of Reading Addressee 2/144/67 (Dunf. Reg., App., no. 602)
unavailable Confirmation of general privileges of the Cluniac Order Grantor 2/153/8 (Pais. Reg., 301-4)
unavailable Request to grant church of Frendraught to Arbroath Abbey Addressee 2/64/16 (Arb. Lib., no. 248)
unavailable Petition concerning election of a dean Addressee 2/144/22 (Reg. Alex., no. 1015)
unavailable Petition by the bishop and chapter of Ross Addressee 2/144/58 (Cromartie, no. 521)
unavailable Letters of the prior of Whithorn to Pope Alexander Addressee 2/145/1 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 385)
unavailable Petition of abbot and convent of Kelso Addressee 2/144/88 (Kel. Lib., no. 468)
unavailable Request to grant indult of benefice in Scotland Addressee 2/144/78 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 367)
unavailable Papal mandate appointing judges-delegate to hear the case of Reading Abbey concerning the goods of the Priory of May Addressor 4/32/97 (St A. Lib., 391-2)
18 Jul. Command to excommunicate anyone who injures Dryburgh Abbey Addressor 2/144/38 (Dryb. Lib., no. 252)
17 Apr. 1241 Appointment of papal judges-delegate named person (transaction) 2/140/98 (Reg. Greg. IX, no. 6025)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 Mandate to restore the church of Kennoway (FIF) to Peter the clerk, son of George, count of Cavaglia Addressor 2/144/90 (Theiner, no. 208)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 Concerning the right of patronage of the church of Aboyne (ABD) Addressor 2/144/89 (Abdn. Reg., ii, 272)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 Confirmation of saltpan at Loch Kindar and possession in diocese of Whithorn Grantor 2/144/88 (Kel. Lib., no. 468)
13 Jan. 1255 Command to collect revenues of Dryburgh Abbey Addressor 2/144/1 (Theiner, no. 171)
21 Jan. 1255 Confirmation of foundation of Paisley Abbey Grantor 2/144/2 (Pais. Reg., 86)
4 Mar. 1255 Answer to a question from abbot of Kelso Addressor 2/144/4 (Reg. Alex., no. 191)
18 Mar. 1255 Prohibition against demanding of hospitality of right by Cistercian abbots from Cistercian houses Addressor 2/144/5 (Newb. Reg., no. 234)
17 Apr. 1255 Prohibition against demanding unauthorised procurations Addressor 2/144/6 (Newb. Reg., no. 248)
21 Apr. 1255 Concession to hold church of Linton (ROX) Grantor 2/144/7 (Reg. Alex., no. 394)
14 May 1255 Command to Friars Preachers of Glasgow to grant a dispensation from those unable to abstain from meat because of age or infirmity Addressor 2/144/8 (Theiner, no. 175)
17 May 1255 Command to collect a subsidy of the Holy Land in the realm of Scotland Addressor 2/144/9 (Foedera, i, I, 322)
13 Jun. 1255 Concession of the faculty to dispense Grantor 2/144/10 (Newb. Reg., no. 258)
23 Jun. 1255 Concession of faculty to contract loan of £500 Grantor 2/144/11 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 319)
1 Jul. 1255 Command to accept the bishopric of St Andrews; dispensation for illegitimacy Addressor 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
1 Jul. 1255 Notification of appointment of Gamelin to the bishopric of St Andrews; dispensation for illegitimacy Addressor 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
1 Jul. 1255 Command to consecrate Gamelin as bishop of St Andrews Addressor 2/144/13 (Theiner, no. 176)
2 Jul. 1255 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Addressor 2/144/14 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 10 )
20 Jul. 1255 Protest by the chapter of St Andrews against the admission of the Celi De to the election of the bishop is confirmed Addressor 2/144/15 (Theiner, no. 177)
31 Jul. 1255 Reservation to Master Gamelin of the benefices he held before his nomination to the see of St Andrews for ONE year after his consecration Addressor 2/144/16 (Theiner, no. 178)
31 Jul. 1255 Reservation to Gamelin of benefices he held before his election to the See of St Andrews for TWO years after his consecration Addressor 2/144/17 (Theiner, no. 178)
27 Nov. 1255 Confirmation of the grant of the church of Gartly (ABD) Addressor 2/144/18 (Theiner, no. 181)
2 Dec. 1255 Permission to celebrate services without prejudice Addressor 2/144/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 246)
11 Dec. 1255 Command that liberties and immunities granted to Cistercian Order by apostolic see may not be revoked Addressor 2/144/20 (Newb. Reg., no. 228)
13 Dec. 1255 Appointment of bishop of Brechin and dean of Dunkeld as judges delegate Addressor 2/144/21 (Theiner, no. 196)
22 Dec. 1255 Confirmation concerning residence of dean and other persons of the church of Moray Grantor 2/144/23 (Moray Reg., no. 104)
22 Dec. 1255 Concession of absolution from sentence of excommunication Grantor 2/144/22 (Reg. Alex., no. 1015)
23 Dec. 1255 Confirmation of privileges and indulgences granted (general) Addressor 2/144/24 (Newb. Reg., no. 252)
23 Dec. 1255 Concession of benefits of absolution and dispensation Addressor 2/144/25 (Newb. Reg., no. 253)
9 Feb. 1256 Concession that Cistercians may not be called before a court by any church prelates Addressor 2/144/27 (Newb. Reg., no. 238)
9 Feb. 1256 Confirmation of provisions granted by Pope Gregory IX Grantor 2/144/26 (Theiner, no. 182)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/90 (Theiner, no. 208)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/90 (Theiner, no. 208)
17 May 1255 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/9 (Foedera, i, I, 322)
1 Jul. 1255 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
27 Nov. 1255 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/18 (Theiner, no. 181)
11 Dec. 1255 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/20 (Newb. Reg., no. 228)
11 Dec. 1255 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/20 (Newb. Reg., no. 228)
22 Dec. 1255 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/22 (Reg. Alex., no. 1015)
23 Dec. 1255 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/24 (Newb. Reg., no. 252)
9 Feb. 1256 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/26 (Theiner, no. 182)
26 Feb. 1256 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/30 (Newb. Reg., no. 265)
7 Mar. 1256 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/31 (Pais. Reg., 306)
29 Aug. 1256 Chaplain (papal) of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/39 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 334)
27 Sept. 1256 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/41 (Foedera, i, I, 348)
27 Sept. 1256 Nuncius (messenger) of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/41 (Foedera, i, I, 348)
9 Jan. 1257 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/46 (Abdn. Reg., i, 18-23)
25 Feb. 1257 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/54 (Theiner, no. 194)
11 Jun. 1257 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/58 (Cromartie, no. 521)
20 Jul. 1257 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
20 Jul. 1257 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
14 Feb. 1258 Auditor contradictarum of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/66 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 13)
14 Feb. 1258 Notary of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/66 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 13)
14 Feb. 1258 Auditor contradictarum of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/66 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 13)
9 Dec. 1258 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/69 (Newb. Reg., no. 229)
9 Dec. 1258 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/69 (Newb. Reg., no. 229)
13 Jun. 1259 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/74 (Foedera, i, I, 387)
28 Oct. 1259 Predecessor of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/80 (Glas. Reg., nos. 210, 212)
21 May 1260 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/85 (Theiner, no. 225)
3 Jun. 1271 Chaplain (papal) of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/97/54 (Moray Reg., no. 261)
7 May 1286 Predecessor of Honorius IV, pope (d.1287) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/153/8 (Pais. Reg., 301-4)

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Date Short Summary Source
18 Jul. pope 2/144/38 (Dryb. Lib., no. 252)
17 Apr. 1241 cardinal-deacon of St Eustace 2/140/98 (Reg. Greg. IX, no. 6025)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 pope 2/144/88 (Kel. Lib., no. 468)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 pope 2/144/90 (Theiner, no. 208)
20 Dec. 1254 X 25 May 1261 pope 2/144/89 (Abdn. Reg., ii, 272)
21 Jan. 1255 pope 2/144/2 (Pais. Reg., 86)
18 Mar. 1255 pope 2/144/5 (Newb. Reg., no. 234)
17 Apr. 1255 pope 2/144/6 (Newb. Reg., no. 248)
14 May 1255 pope 2/144/8 (Theiner, no. 175)
17 May 1255 pope 2/144/9 (Foedera, i, I, 322)
13 Jun. 1255 pope 2/144/10 (Newb. Reg., no. 258)
1 Jul. 1255 pope 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
20 Jul. 1255 pope 2/144/15 (Theiner, no. 177)
31 Jul. 1255 pope 2/144/16 (Theiner, no. 178)
31 Jul. 1255 pope 2/144/17 (Theiner, no. 178)
27 Nov. 1255 pope 2/144/18 (Theiner, no. 181)
2 Dec. 1255 pope 2/144/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 246)
11 Dec. 1255 pope 2/144/20 (Newb. Reg., no. 228)
13 Dec. 1255 pope 2/144/21 (Theiner, no. 196)
22 Dec. 1255 pope 2/144/23 (Moray Reg., no. 104)
23 Dec. 1255 pope 2/144/24 (Newb. Reg., no. 252)
23 Dec. 1255 pope 2/144/25 (Newb. Reg., no. 253)
9 Feb. 1256 pope 2/144/26 (Theiner, no. 182)
9 Feb. 1256 pope 2/144/27 (Newb. Reg., no. 238)
11 Feb. 1256 pope 2/144/28 (Newb. Reg., no. 251)
25 Feb. 1256 pope 2/144/29 (Newb. Reg., no. 254)
26 Feb. 1256 pope 2/144/30 (Newb. Reg., no. 265)
7 Mar. 1256 pope 2/144/31 (Pais. Reg., 306)
18 Mar. 1256 pope 2/144/32 (Lind. Lib., no. 11)
7 Apr. 1256 pope 2/144/33 (Theiner, no. 186)
27 Apr. 1256 pope 2/144/34 (Theiner, no. 187)
21 May 1256 pope 2/144/35 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 331)
11 Jul. 1256 pope 2/144/37 (Dunf. Reg., no. 295 )
11 Jul. 1256 pope 2/144/36 (Dunf. Reg., no. 294)
29 Aug. 1256 pope 2/144/40 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 84 )
27 Sept. 1256 pope 2/144/41 (Foedera, i, I, 348)
7 Oct. 1256 pope 2/144/42 (Theiner, no. 189)
23 Oct. 1256 pope 2/144/43 (Theiner, no. 189)
3 Jan. 1257 pope 2/144/44 (Theiner, no. 190)
3 Jan. 1257 pope 2/144/45 (Theiner, no. 191)
9 Jan. 1257 pope 2/144/46 (Abdn. Reg., i, 18-23)
13 Jan. 1257 pope 2/144/48 (St A. Lib., 391)
18 Jan. 1257 pope 2/144/50 (Theiner, no. 192)
20 Jan. 1257 pope 2/144/51 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 11)
10 Feb. 1257 pope 2/144/53 (Lind. Lib., no. 14)
25 Feb. 1257 pope 2/144/54 (Theiner, no. 194)
28 Mar. 1257 pope 2/144/56 (Theiner, no. 196)
3 Apr. 1257 pope 2/144/57 (Theiner, no. 197)
11 Jun. 1257 pope 2/144/58 (Cromartie, no. 521)
13 Jun. 1257 pope 2/144/59 (Theiner, no. 200)