People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Grieves (general)

1219 × 1367

Total number of associated factoids: 20

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
24 May, 1216 X 1219 Command not to exact toll from men of Arbroath Abbey Addressee William Comyn, earl of Buchan (d.1233); William de Valognes (d.1219); William del Bois, chancellor (d.1232) 1/7/29 (RRS, iii, no. 29)
3 Dec. 1318 Command to publicise and uphold statues of parliament held at Scone on 3 Dec. 1318 Addressee 1/53/148 (RRS, v, no. 139)
18 Dec. 1318 X 9 Apr. 1327 Command to uphold confirmation and not to injure canons of Holyrood Addressee 1/53/156 (RRS, v, no. 410)
5 Aug. 1326 Command to permit Scone abbey its liberties Addressee 1/53/348 (RRS, v, no. 305)
6 Aug. 1326 Command to help Scone abbey collect its fermes Addressee 1/53/350 (RRS, v, no. 307)
23 Mar. 1327 Prohibition from injuring St Andrews cathedral priory and its granges in freedom from hostings and tallages Addressee 1/53/362 (RRS, v, no. 318)
28 Mar. 1330 Command to enfore collection of debts owed the burgesses of Ayr Addressee 1/54/2 (RRS, vi, no. 2)
21 Jul. 1339 Command not to interfere with regality rights of Arbroath abbey Addressee 1/55/7 (RRS, vi, no. 16)
17 May 1341 Command that debts owed Arbroath abbey must be paid; sheriffs must make injurers answer abbey's cases Addressee 1/54/15 (RRS, vi, no. 22)
23 Apr. 1343 Command not to intervene in regality lands of Kelso abbey Addressee 1/54/65 (RMS, i, no. 817)
17 Dec. 1346 Command not to take tallages or prises from lands of Arbroath abbey Addressee 1/54/120 (RRS, vi, no. 109)
13 Mar. 1352 Command to prevent any infringement of the grant of king's custom of Arbroath to Arbroath abbey Addressee 1/54/136 (RRS, vi, no. 123)
6 Feb. 1358 Re-gift of great custom and cocket seal for Arbroath abbey Addressee 1/54/183 (RRS, vi, no. 172)
14 Apr. 1358 Command to pay renders to Friars Preachers named person (transaction) 1/54/193 (RRS, vi, no. 181)
31 Aug. 1358 Command to officers not to take custom from wool of Melrose abbey Addressee 1/54/209 (RRS, vi, no. 195)
31 Aug. 1358 Command not to take prises, etc. from Melrose abbey Addressee 1/54/208 (RRS, vi, no. 194)
12 Apr. 1360 Command to pay second teinds of royal revenues in ABD and BNF Addressee 1/54/257 (RRS, vi, no. 234)
10 Apr. 1362 Command to collect debts of Friars Preachers of Glasgow Addressee 1/54/306 (RRS, vi, no. 273)
26 Jul. 1366 Command to enforce payment of teinds and timber in earldom of Moray Addressee 1/54/493 (RRS, vi, no. 355)
3 Oct. 1367 Command not to trouble Arbroath abbey for tallages, etc. Addressee 1/54/536 (RRS, vi, no. 384)