People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290)

Maid of Norway
1288 × 1288
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Total number of associated factoids: 68

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Request for counsel concerning Lady Margaret Addressor 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
unavailable Concession of dispensation for marriage between Prince Edward and Margaret Beneficiary 2/156/14 (A-S Relations, no. 28)
unavailable Concession of dispensation for marriage between Edward, son of King Edward and Lady Margaret Beneficiary 1/50/34 (Foedera, i, II, 731)
unavailable Treaty concerning marriage of Prince Edward and Lady Margaret named person (transaction) 1/50/37 (Foedera, i, II, 736)
unavailable Petition of John Hastings to the throne of Scotland named person (transaction) 4/42/7 (A-S Relations, no. 19)
unavailable Concession of dispensation for marriage between Edward, son of King Edward and Lady Margaret Beneficiary 1/50/33 (Foedera, i, II, 730)
unavailable Treaty of Salisbury Party 1 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
5 Feb. 1284 Obligation to acknowledge Margaret, the Maid of Norway, as legitimate heir of Alexander III named person (transaction) 4/42/5 (Foedera, i, II, 638)
20/Apr/1284 Letter to Edward I, also requests credence be given to Andrew, abbot of Coupar named person (transaction) 1/8/139 (RRS, iv, no. 146)
13 Apr. 1288 * Statement concerning election of Matthew to the see of Dunkeld Addressee 2/154/2 (Theiner, no. 306)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Confirmation of the Treaty of Salisbury named person (transaction) 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 Request that King Erik of Norway make arrangements to send his daughter to England named person (transaction) 1/50/34 (Foedera, i, II, 731)
31 Jul. 1290 Appointment of persons for negotiations concerning Lady Margaret named person (transaction) 1/50/38 (Foedera, i, II, 737)
Monday 28 Aug. 1290 Concession of custody of castles in Scotland under certain conditions named person (transaction) 4/41/3 (Foedera, i, II, 737-8)
Saturday 7 Oct. 1290 Statement concerning rumours of the death of Margaret, lady of Scotland named person (transaction) 2/10/287 (Foedera, i, II, 741)
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Extent of the lands of Duncan, late earl of Fife undefined (transaction) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
27 Jun. 1299 Statement to King Edward (Scimus fili) named person (transaction) 2/156/14 (A-S Relations, no. 28)
24 Feb. 1310 Fealty performed by the clergy of Scotland named person (transaction) 0/0/0 (A-S Relations, no. 36)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
5 Feb. 1284 Daughter of Margaret, daughter of Alexander III (d.1283) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/42/5 (Foedera, i, II, 638)
20 Apr. 1284 Daughter of Margaret, daughter of Alexander III (d.1283)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/8/139 (RRS, iv, no. 146)
20 Apr. 1284 Heir of Alexander III, king of Scotland (d.1286)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/8/139 (RRS, iv, no. 146)
13 Apr. 1288 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 2/154/2 (Theiner, no. 306)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Father of Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Lady (domina) of various men of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Niece of Edward I, king of England (d.1307) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Messengers of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 Lady (domina) of various named men of Scotland (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/33 (Foedera, i, II, 730)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/34 (Foedera, i, II, 731)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 Lady (domina) of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/34 (Foedera, i, II, 731)
Tuesday 18 Jul. 1290 Lady (domina) of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/37 (Foedera, i, II, 736)
Tuesday 18 Jul. 1290 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/37 (Foedera, i, II, 736)
31 Jul. 1290 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/38 (Foedera, i, II, 737)
31 Jul. 1290 Lady (domina) of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/50/38 (Foedera, i, II, 737)
Monday 28 Aug. 1290 Lady (domina) of Robert Wishart, John Comyn and Alan de St Edmund (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 4/41/3 (Foedera, i, II, 737-8)
Saturday 7 Oct. 1290 Lady (domina) of William Fraser, bishop of St Andrews (d.1297) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/10/287 (Foedera, i, II, 741)
Monday 17 Nov. 1292 Neptis (niece/granddaughter) of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/42/7 (A-S Relations, no. 19)
Monday 17 Nov. 1292 Heir of Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/42/7 (A-S Relations, no. 19)
Monday 17 Nov. 1292 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/42/7 (A-S Relations, no. 19)
18 Nov. 1292 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/27/0 (Dundee Chrs., no. 1)
18 Nov. 1292 Heir of Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/27/0 (Dundee Chrs., no. 1)
18 Nov. 1292 Heir of Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 5/1/0 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 3)
18 Nov. 1292 Granddaughter of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/27/0 (Dundee Chrs., no. 1)
18 Nov. 1292 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 5/1/0 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 3)
18 Nov. 1292 Granddaughter of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 5/1/0 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 3)
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Heir of Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Relative of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Heir of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
27 Jun. 1299 Heir of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 2/156/14 (A-S Relations, no. 28)
27 Jun. 1299 Niece of Edward I, king of England (d.1307) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 2/156/14 (A-S Relations, no. 28)
24 Feb. 1310 Granddaughter of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 0/0/0 (A-S Relations, no. 36)
24 Feb. 1310 Daughter of Erik, king of Norway (d.1299) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 0/0/0 (A-S Relations, no. 36)
24 Feb. 1310 Heir of Margaret, granddaughter of Alexander III (d.1290) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 0/0/0 (A-S Relations, no. 36)