People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289)

Medieval Name
Modern Gaelic Name
One of the six Guardians chosen in April 1286 at Scone assembly. He was sheriff of Dumbarton, 1288 (ER, i) He married Joan, daughter of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester. Earl Duncan III was murdered in September 1289 at Pitpollok in Angus by Sir Patrick Abernethy, and was buried at Coupar Angus Abbey. Andrew McDonald, ‘Macduff family, earls of Fife (per. c.1095–1371)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [, accessed 24 March 2011]
1281 × 1289
Related Place
FIF (Fife)
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 129

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Appointment of persons to hear and terminate the quarrel between communities of Aberdeen and Montrose Addressor 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
25 Jul. 1281 Agreement concerning the marriage of the lady Margaret with King Eric of Norway named person (transaction) 4/1/4 (RRS, iv, no. 132)
Dec. 1281 *Confirmation of succession of Scottish throne and customs of Scotland Consentor 1/8/129 (RRS, iv, no. 133)
Dec. 1281 Confirmation of customs concerning succession of kingdom of Scotland Addressor 4/42/4 (Stones and Simpson, ii, 189-90)
12 May 1283 X 25 Sept. 1288 Gift of Inchyra (PER) and 'Cascarthylk' Grantor Andrew of Buchan, bishop of Caithness (d.×1304); Constantine of Lochore (III), son of Constantine, sheriff; Hugh of Lochore, sheriff of Fife; John (I) of Inchmartin, knight (d. ca 1306); John of Haddington, prior of St Andrews (d.1304); Robert Cameron of Baledgarno; Thomas Durward, knight (d.p.1296); William Fraser, bishop of St Andrews (d.1297); William of Stirling, knight 3/16/30 (Gray of Kinfauns, 5/84, no.2)
5 Feb. 1284 Obligation to acknowledge Margaret, the Maid of Norway, as legitimate heir of Alexander III Addressor 4/42/5 (Foedera, i, II, 638)
25 Sept. 1286 Command that men of the realm shall answer to addressees concerning a pasture pertaining to the land of Scryne (in Panmure, ANG) Addressor 1/50/1 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25)
Monday 14 Oct. 1286 Inquest into pasture pertaining to land of Scrin, called Salmanmore, in tenement of Panmure (ANG) Addressee 4/38/24 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25 )
11 Nov. 1286 Request that Edmund, earl of Cornwall intervene against Thomas de Normanville, escheator Addressor 1/50/2 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 15)
8 May 1287 Command that men of the realm shall answer to addressees concerning the quarrel between the communities of Aberdeen and Montrose Addressor 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
7 Dec. 1287 Command to pay David de Torthorwald his fee Addressor 1/50/4 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 22)
8 Dec. 1287 Command to pay Ingram de Umfraville his fee Addressor 1/50/5 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 23)
13 Apr. 1288 * Statement concerning election of Matthew to the see of Dunkeld Addressee 2/154/2 (Theiner, no. 306)
13 May 1288 Request that the king of England ask the baillies of Tynedale to permit presentation of the church of Knaresdale Addressor 1/50/6 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 27)
1 Jun. 1288 Command to pay Thomas of Clennell his fee Addressor 1/50/7 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 28)
2 Jul. 1288 Command to pay John de Hay his fee Addressor 1/50/8 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 30)
2 Aug. 1288 Command to pay John de Soulis his fee Addressor 1/50/9 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 32)
Sept. 1288 Command to pay Alexander, son of Patrick, earl of Dunbar 10 marks of his fee Addressor 1/50/13 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 35)
1 Sept. 1288 Command to pay Master John of Keith his fee Addressor 1/50/10 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 34)
6 Sept. 1288 Command to pay Alexander, son of the earl of Dunbar, 20 marks of his fee Addressor 1/50/11 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 36)
12 Sept. 1288 Command to pay William Comyn of Kirkintilloch 10 marks of his fee Addressor 1/50/12 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 37)
18 Nov. 1288 Command to pay unknown fee Addressor 1/50/14 (Simpson, Handlist, no. 296)
19 Nov. 1288 Command to pay Ingram de Umfraville his fee Addressor 1/50/15 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 42)
20 Nov. 1288 Command to pay expenses of the royal chapel Addressor 1/50/16 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 44)
21 Jan. 1289 Command to pay Thomas of Clennell his fee Addressor 1/50/17 (Simpson, Handlist, no. 328)
13 Mar. 1289 Command to pay Patrick Graham his fee Addressor 1/50/18 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 91)
7 Apr. 1289 Command to pay John de Hay his fee Addressor 1/50/19 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 58)
29 Apr. 1289 Command to pay William Hay of Borthwick 20 marks of his fee Addressor 1/50/20 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 60)
5 Jun. 1289 Command to pay Ela of Garioch £10 for expenses Addressor 1/50/21 (Simpson, Handlist, no. 302)
10 Jul. 1289 Command to make an inquisition if William de Heswell, the father, died vested of fee of land of 'Edilisheuede' (ROX) Addressor 1/50/22 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 68)
5 Aug. 1289 Command to pay Master John of Keith £10 of his fee Addressor 1/50/23 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 69)
28 Jun. 1291 Command that William Douglas be commanded to hand over Hugh of Abernethy from his prison named person (transaction) Edward I, king of England (d.1307) 5/1/16 (Douglas, iv, no. 1)
9 Feb. 1293 King John's parliament at Scone undefined (transaction) 4/0/0 (RPS 1293/2)
9 Feb. 1293 King John's parliament at Scone undefined (transaction) 4/0/0 (RPS 1293/2)
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Extent of the lands of Duncan, late earl of Fife undefined (transaction) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
2 Dec. 1301 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Chron. Lanercost, app., no. 22)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
Dec. 1281 Lord (dominus) of various Scottish barons (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 4/42/4 (Stones and Simpson, ii, 189-90)
12 May 1283 X 25 Sept. 1288 Advocate/attorney of Duncan, earl of Fife (d.1288)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/16/30 (Gray of Kinfauns, 5/84, no.2)
5 Feb. 1284 Lords (dominus) of various named barons (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 4/42/5 (Foedera, i, II, 638)
25 Sept. 1286 Lord (dominus) of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/1 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25)
7 Dec. 1287 Lord of the Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/4 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 22)
8 Dec. 1287 Lord of the Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/5 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 23)
13 May 1288 Friend (m.) (amicus) of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/6 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 27)
13 May 1288 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/6 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 27)
1 Jun. 1288 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/7 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 28)
2 Jul. 1288 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/8 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 30)
2 Aug. 1288 Lord of Guardians of realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/9 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 32)
1 Sept. 1288 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/10 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 34)
6 Sept. 1288 Lord of Guardians of realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/11 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 36)
12 Sept. 1288 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/12 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 37)
19 Nov. 1288 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/15 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 42)
7 Apr. 1289 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/19 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 58)
5 Aug. 1289 Lord of Guardians of the realm (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/50/23 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 69)
Sept. 1290 X 10 May 1291 Son of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 0/0/0 (A-S Relations, no. 14)
6 Jun. 1292 Wife (uxor) of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/16/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 253)
9 Feb. 1293 Son of Colban, earl of Fife (father of Duncan) (familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/0/0 (RPS 1293/2)
9 Feb. 1293 Son of Duncan III, earl of Fife (familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/0/0 (RPS 1293/2)
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Son of Colban, earl of Fife (d.1270×72) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Son of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Heir of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))
16 Feb. 1294 X 16 Feb. 1295 Son of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/39/11 (PNF, v, App. 2 (2))
circa 1 Oct. 1294 Heir of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 700)
3 Sept. 1296 X 14 Sept. 1296 Heir of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 853a)
1305 Husband (maritus) of Joan de Clare, countess of Fife (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 0/0/0 (CDS, iv, no. 1815)
1305 Servant/valet (valettus) of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 0/0/0 (CDS, iv, no. 1815)
1 Mar. 1313 X 1320 Son of Duncan (III), earl of Fife (d.1289) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/16/34 (Culross Chrs., 73-5)
1 Mar. 1313 X 1320 Son of Colban, earl of Fife (d.1270×72) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/16/34 (Culross Chrs., 73-5)

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Date Short Summary Source
25 Jul. 1281 earl of Fife 4/1/4 (RRS, iv, no. 132)
Dec. 1281 earl of Fife 1/8/129 (RRS, iv, no. 133)
Dec. 1281 earl of Fife 4/42/4 (Stones and Simpson, ii, 189-90)
12 May 1283 X 25 Sept. 1288 earl of Fife 3/16/30 (Gray of Kinfauns, 5/84, no.2)
5 Feb. 1284 earl of Fife 4/42/5 (Foedera, i, II, 638)
25 Sept. 1286 guardian of Scotland 1/50/1 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25)
25 Sept. 1286 earl of Fife 1/50/1 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25)
Monday 14 Oct. 1286 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 4/38/24 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25 )
Monday 14 Oct. 1286 guardian of Scotland 4/38/24 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25 )
Monday 14 Oct. 1286 earl of Fife 4/38/24 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25 )
11 Nov. 1286 earl of Fife 1/50/2 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 15)
11 Nov. 1286 guardian of Scotland 1/50/2 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 15)
8 May 1287 earl of Fife 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
8 May 1287 guardian of Scotland 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
7 Dec. 1287 earl of Fife 1/50/4 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 22)
7 Dec. 1287 guardian of Scotland 1/50/4 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 22)
8 Dec. 1287 earl of Fife 1/50/5 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 23)
8 Dec. 1287 guardian of Scotland 1/50/5 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 23)
13 Apr. 1288 guardian of Scotland 2/154/2 (Theiner, no. 306)
13 May 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/6 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 27)
13 May 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/6 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 27)
1 Jun. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/7 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 28)
1 Jun. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/7 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 28)
2 Jul. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/8 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 30)
2 Jul. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/8 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 30)
2 Aug. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/9 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 32)
2 Aug. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/9 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 32)
Sept. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/13 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 35)
Sept. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/13 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 35)
1 Sept. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/10 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 34)
1 Sept. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/10 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 34)
6 Sept. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/11 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 36)
6 Sept. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/11 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 36)
12 Sept. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/12 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 37)
12 Sept. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/12 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 37)
18 Nov. 1288 guardian 1/50/14 (Simpson, Handlist, no. 296)
19 Nov. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/15 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 42)
19 Nov. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/15 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 42)
20 Nov. 1288 earl of Fife 1/50/16 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 44)
20 Nov. 1288 guardian of Scotland 1/50/16 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 44)
21 Jan. 1289 guardian 1/50/17 (Simpson, Handlist, no. 328)
13 Mar. 1289 earl of Fife 1/50/18 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 91)
13 Mar. 1289 guardian of Scotland 1/50/18 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 91)
7 Apr. 1289 earl of Fife 1/50/19 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 58)
7 Apr. 1289 guardian of Scotland 1/50/19 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 58)
29 Apr. 1289 earl of Fife 1/50/20 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 60)
29 Apr. 1289 guardian of Scotland 1/50/20 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 60)
10 Jul. 1289 earl of Fife 1/50/22 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 68)
10 Jul. 1289 guardian of Scotland 1/50/22 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 68)
5 Aug. 1289 earl of Fife 1/50/23 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 69)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
9 Feb. 1293 holdings of Rires and Creich (FIF) Previous landholder 4/0/0 (RPS 1293/2)
20 Nov. 1293 X 16 Feb. 1295 Land of unknown woman in Abernethy (PER) Lord (possession) 4/39/10 (PNF, v, App. 2 (1))

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1305 Petition of countess of Fife Pro anima 0/0/0 (CDS, iv, no. 1815)