People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Coldstream Priory

Coldstream Priory, in Berwickshire, St Andrews diocese, is a priory of Cistercian nuns, founded by 1166.
1166 × 1297
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Coldstream Priory
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 113

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
undated Gift of 1 1/2 acres with a toft and three acres called 'Spitelflat' in territory of Darnchester (BWK) Beneficiary Adam Tunnock; Alan of Edmond's Dean; John de Tossanir ; Patrick of Graden; Thomas, son of Walter (I) of Darnchester; Walter of Darnchester (I) (son of Thomas) 3/192/5 (Cold. Cart., no. 32)
undated Quitclaim of rights to service and suit of court of Coldstream Priory in Bassendean Beneficiary 3/395/5 (Cold. Cart., no. 47)
undated Quitclaim of land near Whitchester (Northumb.) Beneficiary Alexander of Hirsel, chaplain; John, marischal (early13C); Ness of Waughton (father of Ness); Richard Nanus (le Nain); Robert of Upsettlington, sheriff of Berwick; Roger de la Cray; Roger, son of Henry; W., marischal 3/168/1 (Cold. Cart., no. 28)
unavailable Gift of church of Lennel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/22 (Cold. Cart., no. 7)
unavailable Charter concerning church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/95 (Cold. Cart., App., no. ii)
unavailable Charter (renewal?) of church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/31 (Cold. Cart., no. 17)
unavailable Land given previously by Thomas of Gordon Beneficiary 3/250/8 (Cold. Cart., no. 38)
unavailable Charter (concession?) of Coldstream Priory concerning service of Bassendean Grantor 3/395/5 (Cold. Cart., no. 47)
undated Gift of 12 acres in ‘Huyisheuigh’ and 12 acres in Old Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary Eliseo, brother of William son of Thomas; John, chaplain of Hirsel ; Maurice Brun; Thomas de Stafley ; Walter, chaplain of Lennel; William, chaplain of unknown earl (of Dunbar?); William, son of Thomas 3/192/1 (Cold. Cart., no. 21)
unavailable Gift of half church of Lennel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/18 (Cold. Cart., no. 26)
unavailable Gift of ploughgate in Hirsel (BWK) and church of villa Beneficiary 3/15/10 (Cold. Cart., no. 11)
unavailable Donation of lands, meadows, etc. in villas of Thornydykes and Gordon (BWK) Beneficiary 3/250/7 (Cold. Cart., no. 37)
unavailable Lands given or exchanged by predecessors of Patrick, earl of Dunbar Beneficiary 3/15/66 (Cold. Cart., no. 57)
undated Quitclaim of land between Whitchester and Otterburn Beneficiary Alexander of Hirsel, chaplain; John, marischal (early13C); Ness of Waughton (father of Ness); Richard Nanus (le Nain); Robert of Upsettlington, sheriff of Berwick; Roger de Lacrey ; Roger, son of Henry 3/387/4 (Cold. Cart., no. 27)
unavailable Gift of half ploughgate in Lennel Beneficiary 3/15/10 (Cold. Cart., no. 11)
unavailable Gift of Skaithmuir (BWK) to Coldstream Priory Beneficiary 3/15/39 (Cold. Cart., no. 3)
unavailable Charter of Earl Cospatrick concerning church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/94 (Cold. Cart., no. 15)
unavailable Renewal of church of Lennel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/22 (Cold. Cart., no. 7)
unavailable Concession of 15 quarters of wheat, 15 quarters of beans, and 16 quarters of malt by Peter the clerk Beneficiary 5/0/0 (Cold. Cart., Supp. I)
undated Gift of land of Crossgate in Berwick Beneficiary Adam, son of Philip; Arnold Hanyn; Elias son of Walo; Geoffrey of Beverley; Robert of Bernham, mayor of Berwick; Robert of Lynn; Robert of Ryedale; Robert Stater; Roger of York; Simon Maunsel; Solomon Hogg; Thomas of the Cellar; Walo (Berwick) 3/632/16 (Cold. Cart., no. 49)
unavailable Donation of 12 acres in 'Huyisheuigh' and 12 acres in Old Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/192/2 (Cold. Cart., no. 22)
unavailable Gift of 7 acres of land Beneficiary 3/270/2 (Cold. Cart., no. 58)
unavailable Gift of ploughgate from Hirsel and the church (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/11 (Cold. Cart., no. 8)
unavailable Concession of £6 in money by hands of the treasurer Beneficiary 5/0/0 (Cold. Cart., Supp. I)
unavailable Gift of Whitchester (BWK), ploughgate in Hirsel and church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/18 (Cold. Cart., no. 26)
unavailable Previous gift of land in Thornydykes (BWK) Beneficiary 3/250/7 (Cold. Cart., no. 37)
unavailable Charter of Patrick, son of Cospatric concerning church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/94 (Cold. Cart., no. 15)
unavailable Donation of land in villa of Lennel (BWK), to wit, Southtoun of Lennel (BWK) Beneficiary 1/8/74 (RRS, iv, no. 74)
unavailable Confirmation of gifts of Countess Deirdre Beneficiary 3/15/18 (Cold. Cart., no. 26)
unavailable Gift of possessions and liberties in territories of Old Hirsel and Skaithmuir (BWK) Beneficiary 3/192/3 (Cold. Cart., no. 23)
unavailable Gift of land in Lennel (BWK) and houses in Berwick Beneficiary 3/15/91 (Cold. Cart., no. 14)
unavailable Gift of land of Skaithmuir (BWK) Beneficiary 3/342/1 (Cold. Cart., no. 6)
unavailable Charter (gift?) of land of Selburleche and pasture at Whielhope to Coldstream Priory Beneficiary 3/15/53 (Cold. Cart., no. 29)
unavailable Charter (gift?) of church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/31 (Cold. Cart., no. 17)
unavailable Gift of the site of Coldstream Priory, etc. Beneficiary 2/10/41 (SEA, i, no. 158)
unavailable Gift of (half-ploughgate of) land in Lennel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/18 (Cold. Cart., no. 26)
unavailable Charter concerning common pasture of Thornydykes Beneficiary 3/15/98 (Cold. Cart., no. 35)
undated Gift of land between house of William de Salle and house of his son-in-law Beneficiary Bartholomew, grieve of Edinburgh; John, brother of Robert of Bernham; Michael son of William de Salle; Peter, chaplain (Coldstream); Philip, clerk (Coldstream); Robert of Bernham, mayor of Berwick; Roger, nutrex; W. of Fishley; William Broun/Brun/Niger (12/13C); William of Bernham (II); William, master of Soutra; William, son of Bartholomew the grieve 3/525/1 (Cold. Cart., no. 51)
unavailable Gift of possessions and liberties in territories of Old Hirsel and Skaithmuir (BWK) Beneficiary 3/192/3 (Cold. Cart., no. 23)
unavailable Gift of lands, meadows, pastures and easements of villa of Thornydykes (BWK) Beneficiary 3/250/8 (Cold. Cart., no. 38)
unavailable Charter concerning church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/95 (Cold. Cart., App., no. ii)
unavailable Charter (renewal?) of church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/31 (Cold. Cart., no. 17)
undated Gift of a toft in Darnchester (BWK) with one rod of land Beneficiary Henry, chaplain of Coldstream ; John, chaplain of Coldstream ; Roger, chaplain of Coldstream ; Walter of Darnchester (I) (son of Thomas); Walter, fermer of Hirsel 3/192/4 (Cold. Cart., no. 31)
unavailable Confirmation of land in Bassendean given by Robert Mayle Beneficiary 3/395/4 (Cold. Cart., no. 46)
unavailable Gift of ploughgate and half from Lennel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/11 (Cold. Cart., no. 8)
unavailable Charter (gift?) of Thomas Gordon Beneficiary 3/250/5 (Cold. Cart., no. 40)
unavailable Charter (gift?) of Selbuklethe and pasture at head of Wlweshope to Coldstream Priory Beneficiary 3/15/54 (Cold. Cart., no. 30)
unavailable Charter concerning church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/95 (Cold. Cart., App., no. ii)
unavailable Charter (renewal?) of church of Hirsel (BWK) Beneficiary 3/15/31 (Cold. Cart., no. 17)
X circa 1211 Gift of 7 acres in field of Bassendean (BWK) Beneficiary Adam Gordon I (father of Adam); Eadwulf, son of Geoffrey; Geoffrey, son of Gerard; Uhtred, son of Bertolf; Walter of Halliburton; Walter, son of Hugh; William Bell (late 12C) 3/395/2 (Cold. Cart., no. 44)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
circa 1297 Lord (dominus) of Coldstream Priory (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/68/0 (Cold. Cart., Supp. II)