People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Simon (II) of Kinnear

Barrow, 'Kinninmonths of that ilk', 110: probably son or grandson of Alan, son of Simon, son of Michael (of Kinninmonth)
1243 × 1244
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Total number of associated factoids: 14

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift of land in territory of Kedlock (in Logie, FIF) called Reginald's land Grantor 1/7/307 (RRS, iii, no. 300)
9 Jul. 1238 X 31 Aug. 1244 Gift of land in Kedlock (FIF) called 'Reginald's land' Grantor Adam, archdeacon of St Andrews (fl.1240-48); Henry of Denmuir, knight (d.1249×53); Hugh, chaplain of Kilmany; John Hay (I), lord of Naughton (d.×Oct.1266); Laurence Abernethy (fl.1180s×1230s); Ness Ramsay; William, dean of Fife (fl.1239x44) 3/321/1 (Balm. Lib., no. 39)
28 Jun. 1243 X 21 Sept. 1260 Gift of half land in feu of Kinnear (FIF) with land next to it Grantor Eustace of Shelford, master; Peter Basset, constable of Leuchars; Simon Pecipas ; William, persona of Flisk 3/321/3 (Balm. Lib., no. 13)
28 Jun. 1243 X 21 Sept. 1260 Gift of land in feu of Kinnear (FIF) Grantor Adam, chaplain of Kilmany; Robert of Collessie, chaplain of Flisk; William, persona of Flisk 3/321/4 (Balm. Lib., no. 14)
28 Jun. 1243 X 21 Sept. 1260 Gift of land in feu of Kinnear (FIF) Grantor Adam, chaplain of Kilmany; Alan Surale ; Henry, mair (FIF); Robert of Collessie, chaplain of Flisk; William, chaplain of Leuchars; William, persona of Flisk 3/321/2 (Balm. Lib., no. 12)
21 Sept. 1260 Confirmation of donation of half the land in feu of Kinnear (FIF), and of land next to it to east of Kinnear Sicut Clause Alexander Comyn, earl of Buchan (d.1289); Alexander Stewart of Dundonald (d.1282); Patrick (III), earl of Dunbar (d.1289) 1/8/30 (RRS, iv, no. 30)
21/Sep/1260 Donation of half land in feu of Kinnear (FIF), and of land next to it to east of Kinnear Grantor 1/8/30 (RRS, iv, no. 30)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
X 25 Apr. 1251 Son of Simon (II) of Kinnear (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/321/6 (St A. Lib., 292-3)
28 Jun. 1243 X 21 Sept. 1260 Wife (uxor) of Simon (II) of Kinnear (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/321/3 (Balm. Lib., no. 13)
circa 1250 Son of Simon (II) of Kinnear (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/321/5 (Balm. Lib., no. 16)
25 Apr. 1251 Son of Simon of Kinnear(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/8/5 (RRS, iv, no. 5)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
9 Jul. 1238 X 31 Aug. 1244 Demesne of Simon of Kinnear (FIF) Holder (possession) 3/321/1 (Balm. Lib., no. 39)