People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Andrew of Buchan, bishop of Caithness (d.×1304)

Watt and Shead, Heads, 44: Andrew succeeded as abbot of Coupar Angus in '1272'. He was granted a provision to the see of Caithness on 17 Dec. 1296 and a mandate was issued for his consecration on 1 August 1297. Watt and Murray, Fasti, 79. He held the office of bishop of Caithness until his death, sometime before 16 June 1304.
1273 × 1300
Related Place
CAI (Caithness)

Total number of associated factoids: 64

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Appointment of Andrew to see of Caithness Appointee 2/156/7 (Theiner, no. 360)
unavailable Appointment of persons to hear and terminate the quarrel between communities of Aberdeen and Montrose Appointee 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
unavailable Grant of teinds in aid of the Holy Land from the diocese of Dunkeld named person (transaction) 2/69/4 (C.A. Chrs., no. 64)
24 Jun., 1272 X 1292 Agreement between Coupar Angus Abbey and Inchaffray Abbey Party 1 4/8/32 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 111)
20/Apr/1284 Letter to Edward I, also requests credence be given to Andrew, abbot of Coupar named person (transaction) 1/8/139 (RRS, iv, no. 146)
8 May 1287 Command that men of the realm shall answer to addressees concerning the quarrel between the communities of Aberdeen and Montrose Addressee 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Confirmation of the Treaty of Salisbury Grantor 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 Request that King Edward certify to the Guardians that a papal dispensation has been granted for marriage between Prince Edward and Lady Margaret Addressor 1/50/33 (Foedera, i, II, 730)
25 Mar. 1292 X 24 Mar. 1293 Inspection of charters by Kings Alexander II and Alexander III Inspector 2/0/0 (BL, Add. MS 33245, f.143r-v)
Tuesday 31 Mar. 1294 Command to pronounce as excommunicate those clergy who have not paid the tenth Addressor 2/69/4 (C.A. Chrs., no. 64)
16 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 360)
28 Aug. 1296 The abbots of Scotland and their convents swear to serve the king of England loyally, and perform featly Addressor 6/2/199 (IP, 116-17)
28 Aug. 1296 The abbots of Scotland and their convents swear to serve the king of England loyally, and perform featly Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 6/2/199 (IP, 116-17)
28 Aug. 1296 The abbots of Scotland and their convents swear to serve the king of England loyally, and perform featly Sealer 6/2/199 (IP, 116-17)
17 Dec. 1296 Command to take charge of see of Caithness as bishop Addressee 2/156/6 (Theiner, no. 359)
1 Aug. 1297 Command to consecrate the bishop of Caithness named person (transaction) 2/156/7 (Theiner, no. 360)
17 Aug. 1298 Statement that evidence of the destruction of Scone and its charters was presented in front of notary public Sealer 2/98/7 (Scone Lib., no. 124)
22 Jan. 1306 Confirmation of election of Fercard to see of Caithness named person (transaction) 2/158/1 (Cal. Papal Letters, ii, 8)

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Date Short Summary Source
24 Jun., 1272 X 1292 abbot of Coupar Angus 4/8/32 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 111)
15 Oct. 1273 X 1289 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/12/37 (Lind. Cart., no. 124)
15 Oct. 1273 X 1289 abbot of Coupar Angus 3/12/37 (Lind. Cart., no. 124)
20 Nov. 1276 X 24 Jul. 1291 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/18/17 (Erroll Chrs., no. 16)
20 Nov. 1276 X 24 Jul. 1291 abbot of Coupar Angus 3/18/17 (Erroll Chrs., no. 16)
20 Nov. 1276 X 17 Dec. 1296 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/18/18 (HMC Mar and Kellie, 4 )
20 Nov. 1276 X 17 Dec. 1296 abbot of Coupar Angus 3/18/18 (HMC Mar and Kellie, 4 )
12 May 1283 X 25 Sept. 1288 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/16/30 (Gray of Kinfauns, 5/84, no.2)
12 May 1283 X 25 Sept. 1288 abbot of Coupar Angus 3/16/30 (Gray of Kinfauns, 5/84, no.2)
12 May 1283 X Jun. 1306 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/296/7 (Erroll Chrs., no. 19)
12 May 1283 X Jun. 1306 abbot of Coupar Angus 3/296/7 (Erroll Chrs., no. 19)
20 Apr. 1284 abbot of Coupar Angus 1/8/139 (RRS, iv, no. 146)
circa 1285 X 17 Dec. 1296 abbot of Coupar Angus 3/585/7 (SHS Misc. iv, no. 17)
circa 1285 X 17 Dec. 1296 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/585/7 (SHS Misc. iv, no. 17)
8 May 1287 abbot of Coupar Angus 1/50/3 (Abdn. Burgh Chrs., no. 1)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 abbot of Coupar Angus 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 abbot of Coupar Angus 1/50/33 (Foedera, i, II, 730)
25 Mar. 1292 X 24 Mar. 1293 abbot of Coupar Angus 2/0/0 (BL, Add. MS 33245, f.143r-v)
Tuesday 31 Mar. 1294 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/69/4 (C.A. Chrs., no. 64)
Tuesday 31 Mar. 1294 abbot of Coupar Angus 2/69/4 (C.A. Chrs., no. 64)
Tuesday 31 Mar. 1294 teind collector [decimarius] 2/69/4 (C.A. Chrs., no. 64)
Tuesday 31 Mar. 1294 Brother 2/69/4 (C.A. Chrs., no. 64)
16 May 1296 abbot of Coupar Angus 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 360)
28 Aug. 1296 abbot of Coupar Angus 6/2/199 (IP, 116-17)
17 Dec. 1296 bishop-elect 2/156/6 (Theiner, no. 359)
17 Dec. 1296 abbot of Coupar Angus 2/156/6 (Theiner, no. 359)
1 Aug. 1297 bishop-elect 2/156/7 (Theiner, no. 360)
1 Aug. 1297 X 16 Jun. 1304 bishop of Caithness 3/42/9 (C.A. Chrs., no. 65)
1 Jun. 1298 X 1303 bishop of Caithness 1/52/9 (C.A. Rent., no. 80)
17 Aug. 1298 bishop of Caithness 2/98/7 (Scone Lib., no. 124)
21 Mar. 1300 X 16 Jun. 1304 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/727/1 (C.A. Chrs., no. 69)
21 Mar. 1300 X 16 Jun. 1304 bishop of Caithness 3/727/1 (C.A. Chrs., no. 69)