People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Otto de Grandson (d.1328)

Otto was the son of one of Henry III's Savoyards and a knight of Edward I bt 1268. A close friend of the English king, he acted as justiciar of North Wales in the 1280s and acted as a diplomatic envoy to the papal curia. Maddicott, J. R. "Grandson [Grandison], Sir Otto de (c. 1238–1328), soldier and diplomat." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 23 Sep. 2004; Accessed 1 Feb. 2021.
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
12 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 837 (3))
12 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 838 (1))
12 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 838 (2))
12 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 838 (3))
12 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 838 (4))
14 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 838-9)
16 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 840 (2))
16 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 840 (3))
16 May 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 840 (1))
25 Aug. 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 843)
1 Nov. 1299 Inspection of agreement between Joan de Clare and John of Hastings named person (transaction) Edward I, king of England (d.1307) 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 584a)
24 Aug. 1301 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 935 (1))
24 Aug. 1301 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 935 (2))
10 Jun. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 957 (1))
9 Jun. 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 963 (5))
28 Jun. 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Foedera, i, II, 964 (2))
12 Dec. 1310 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/2/0 (Foedera, ii, I, 122)
7 Jun. 1311 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/2/0 (Foedera, ii, I, 136)