People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Ebulo de Montibus (Eble de Mountz)

1308 × 1308

Total number of associated factoids: 25

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
Apr. 1303 X 20 Nov. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, iv, no. 1796h)
15 Jul. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1386)
10 Nov. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1408)
12 Nov. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1414)
18 Nov. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1412)
6 May 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 373)
circa Mar. 1305 Petition of Eble de Mountz Petitioner 3/736/1 (CDS, iv, no. 1809)
Monday 21 Jun. 1305 Inquest into manor of Wester Hop-Kailzie named person (transaction) 4/38/42 (CDS, ii, no. 1675)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512b)
20 Feb. 1306 X 7 Jul. 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492a)
20 Feb. 1306 X 7 Jul. 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492a)
23 Jan. 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1886)
Feb. 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 485)
12 Feb. 1307 X 3 May 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1923)
Jul. 1307 X Jul. 1308 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 521j)
Jul. 1307 X Feb. 1308 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 515a)
1308 Petition for keeping of Stirling Castle Petitioner 3/736/2 (CDS, iii, no. 70)
1308 * Petition to issue writ to chamberlain for wages Petitioner 3/736/2 (CDS, iii, no. 70)
20 May 1308 * Request to remain in service Addressee 1/28/0 (CDS, iii, no. 43)