People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Thomas of Dalton/Kirkcudbright, bishop of Whithorn (1294-1326)

1294 × 1314
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Confirmation of election of Thomas of Kirkcudbright as bishop of Whithorn Addressee 2/12/34 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1405)
unavailable Confirmation of election of Thomas of Kirkcudbright as bishop of Whithorn Beneficiary 2/30/13 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403e)
1 Nov. 1293 X 23 Jan. 1294 Correspondence concerning election of Thomas as bishop of Whithorn named person (transaction) 2/50/5 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1389)
circa 13 Jan. 1294 Request for favour for Thomas of Kirkcudbright named person (transaction) 3/106/33 (Northern Registers, 105)
13 Jan. 1294 Request that the election of Thomas of Kirkcudbright, clerk, to see of Whithorn be examined named person (transaction) 1/51/8 (Northern Registers, 104-5)
19 May 1294 Request that Thomas of Kirkcudbright be consecrated as bishop of Whithorn named person (transaction) 1/51/13 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1404)
30 May 1294 Command to give obedience to Thomas, elect of Whithorn named person (transaction) 2/30/11 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403)
30 May 1294 Confirmation of election of Thomas of Kirkcudbright as bishop of Whithorn Beneficiary 2/30/11 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403)
30 May 1294 Request to restore temporalities of Whithorn to Thomas, elect named person (transaction) 2/30/12 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403b)
30 May 1294 Concession of jurisdiction of diocese of Whithorn and instruments Beneficiary 2/12/34 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1405)
30 May 1294 Submission by oath to York Cathedral Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 2/12/34 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1405)
Sunday 10 Oct. 1294 Submission of obedience to York Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 2/12/35 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1407)
10 Feb. 1295 X 9 Feb. 1296 Correspondence with Thomas, bishop of Whithorn Addressee 2/30/14 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1411)
28 Aug. 1296 Robert, bishop of Glasgow, Henry, bishop of Aberdeen, and Thomas, bishop of Whithorn, promise loyally to serve the king of England, and have performed fealty to him. Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 6/2/198 (IP, 115-16)
28 Aug. 1296 Robert, bishop of Glasgow, Henry, bishop of Aberdeen, and Thomas, bishop of Whithorn, promise loyally to serve the king of England, and have performed fealty to him. Sealer 6/2/198 (IP, 115-16)
28 Aug. 1296 Robert, bishop of Glasgow, Henry, bishop of Aberdeen, and Thomas, bishop of Whithorn, promise loyally to serve the king of England, and have performed fealty to him. Addressor 6/2/198 (IP, 115-16)
1 Sept. 1296 Acknowledgement of debts owed to John Graham of York Debtor Edward I, king of England (d.1307) 2/12/36 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 382)
1 Sept. 1296 Acknowledgement of debts owed to Copin Fleming of York Debtor 2/12/36 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 382)
13 Jan. 1297 * Command (?) concerning presentation to church of Buittle Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 423b)
12 Jun. 1298 * Letters to bishop of Whithorn concerning presentation Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 520a)
25 Mar. 1302 X 24 Mar. 1303 Indulgence for those visiting the altar of the Holy Rood Grantor 2/12/38 (Durh. Rites, App. 6, no. 42)
5 Sept. 1302 Indulgence of 40 days Grantor 2/12/37 (Durh. Rites, App. 6, no. 41)
24 May 1306 Gift of church of 'Carnesmole' (Kirkinner, WIG) Beneficiary 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1772)
13 Dec. 1307 Request for clergy of Scotland to keep peace in realm Addressee 1/28/0 (CDS, iii, no. 29)
11 Aug. 1308 Statement concerning Holy Land Addressee 2/158/15 (Cal. Papal Letters, ii, 43)
25 Jul. 1314 Indulgence of 40 days Grantor 2/12/39 (CDS, iii, no. 375)
26 Jul. 1314 Indulgence of 40 days Grantor 2/12/40 (CDS, iii, no. 376)

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Date Short Summary Source
1 Nov. 1293 X 23 Jan. 1294 Master 2/50/5 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1389)
circa 13 Jan. 1294 clerk 3/106/33 (Northern Registers, 105)
circa 13 Jan. 1294 messenger 3/106/33 (Northern Registers, 105)
circa 13 Jan. 1294 bishop-elect 3/106/33 (Northern Registers, 105)
13 Jan. 1294 clerk 1/51/8 (Northern Registers, 104-5)
13 Jan. 1294 bishop-elect 1/51/8 (Northern Registers, 104-5)
circa 13 Jan. 1294 Master 3/106/33 (Northern Registers, 105)
19 May 1294 Master 1/51/13 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1404)
19 May 1294 bishop-elect 1/51/13 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1404)
30 May 1294 Master 2/30/12 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403b)
30 May 1294 bishop-elect 2/30/12 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403b)
30 May 1294 bishop-elect 2/12/34 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1405)
30 May 1294 Master 2/30/11 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403)
30 May 1294 bishop-elect 2/30/11 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1403)
Sunday 10 Oct. 1294 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 2/12/35 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1407)
Sunday 10 Oct. 1294 bishop-elect 2/12/35 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1407)
10 Feb. 1295 X 9 Feb. 1296 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 2/30/14 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1411)
10 Feb. 1295 X 9 Feb. 1296 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 2/30/14 (Reg. Romeyn, ii, no. 1411)
28 Aug. 1296 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 6/2/198 (IP, 115-16)
1 Sept. 1296 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 2/12/36 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 382)
13 Jan. 1297 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 423b)
12 Jun. 1298 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 520a)
25 Mar. 1302 X 24 Mar. 1303 bishop 2/12/38 (Durh. Rites, App. 6, no. 42)
5 Sept. 1302 bishop of Winchester 2/12/37 (Durh. Rites, App. 6, no. 41)
24 May 1306 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1772)
13 Dec. 1307 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 1/28/0 (CDS, iii, no. 29)
11 Aug. 1308 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 2/158/15 (Cal. Papal Letters, ii, 43)
25 Jul. 1314 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 2/12/39 (CDS, iii, no. 375)
26 Jul. 1314 bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) 2/12/40 (CDS, iii, no. 376)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1 Sept. 1296 Lands and chattels of Thomas, bishop of Whithorn in Dumfries Holder (possession) 2/12/36 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 382)