People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

David Barclay, knight

1295 × 1328

Total number of associated factoids: 92

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Date Short Summary Source
23 Nov. 1271 X 12 Jun. 1295 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/191/1 (Moray Reg., App., no. 16)
23 Nov. 1271 X 12 Jun. 1295 knight 3/191/1 (Moray Reg., App., no. 16)
2 Oct. 1295 X sheriff of Fife 3/722/3 (Kippo Charters, 1849/1)
2 Oct. 1295 X Lord 3/722/3 (Kippo Charters, 1849/1)
1300 X 1306 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/529/6 (Wemyss, ii, no. 6)
1300 X 1306 knight 3/529/6 (Wemyss, ii, no. 6)
1300 X 1306 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/403/12 (Wemyss, ii, no. 5)
1300 X 1306 knight 3/403/12 (Wemyss, ii, no. 5)
14 Mar. 1304 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 6/3/4 (CDS, ii, no. 730)
7 Jul. 1307 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/20/7 A (CDS, iv, App. I, no. 14)
7 Jul. 1307 knight 3/20/7 A (CDS, iv, App. I, no. 14)
31 Oct. 1308 knight 3/20/9 (RPS, 1308/1)
31 Oct. 1308 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/20/9 (RPS, 1308/1)
16 Mar. 1309 baron 3/700/0 (APS, i, 459; RPS, 1309/1)
16 Jul. 1309 X 24 Jun. 1314 knight 1/53/14 (RRS, v, no. 386)
10 Feb. 1315 knight 1/53/52 (RRS, v, no. 46)
12 Feb. 1315 knight 1/53/53 (RRS, v, no. 47)
23 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/99 (RRS, v, no. 90)
26 Dec. 1316 knight 1/53/120 (RRS, v, no. 111)
1 Jun. 1317 knight 1/53/122 (RRS, v, no. 113)
14 Jun. 1317 knight 1/53/125 (RRS, v, no. 116)
8 Dec. 1319 knight 1/53/173 (RRS, v, no. 157)
24 Aug. 1321 knight 1/53/223 (RRS, v, no. 197)
1 Dec. 1322 knight 1/53/241 (RRS, v, no. 213)
1 Dec. 1322 knight 1/53/242 (RRS, v, no. 214)
1 Feb. 1323 knight 1/53/247 (RRS, v, no. 220)
26 Apr. 1323 knight 1/53/256 (RRS, v, no. 228)
28 Mar. 1324 knight 1/53/283 (RRS, v, no. 252)
6 Feb. 1325 knight 1/53/306 (RRS, v, no. 265)
7 Mar. 1325 knight 1/53/309 (RRS, v, no. 268)
5 Mar. 1326 knight 1/53/335 (RRS, v, no. 293)
5 Mar. 1326 knight 1/53/336 (RRS, v, no. 294)
14 Jan. 1327 knight 1/53/358 (RRS, v, no. 314)
31 Mar. 1327 knight 1/53/364 (RRS, v, no. 319)
23 May 1327 knight 1/53/368 (RRS, v, no. 321)
4 Feb. 1328 knight 1/53/380 (RRS, v, no. 332)
15 Feb. 1328 knight 1/53/381 (RRS, v, no. 333)
16 Feb. 1328 knight 1/53/382 (RRS, v, no. 334)
4 Mar. 1328 knight 1/53/385 (RRS, v, no. 337)
12 Mar. 1328 knight 1/53/387 (RRS, v, no. 339)
16 Jul. 1328 knight 1/53/401 (RRS, v, no. 352)
29 Jul. 1328 knight 1/53/403 (RRS, v, no. 354)

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Date Short Summary Source
23 November 1271 X 12 June 1295 Gift of the land of Dalreoch (PER) 3/191/1 (Moray Reg., App., no. 16)
2 October 1295 X Gift of Bein and Catochill (PER) 3/722/3 (Kippo Charters, 1849/1)
1300 X 1306 Confirmation of land of Bruntshiels (FIF) 3/529/6 (Wemyss, ii, no. 6)
1300 X 1306 Quitclaim of third part of mill of Tarvit 3/403/12 (Wemyss, ii, no. 5)
31 October 1308 * Obligation to be faithful to King Robert 3/20/9 (RPS, 1308/1)
16 July 1309 X 24 June 1314 Renewal of feus and forfeitures of barony of Carriden (WLO) 1/53/14 (RRS, v, no. 386)
10 February 1315 Gift of land of Lochawe (ARG) and Ardskeodnish (ARG) 1/53/52 (RRS, v, no. 46)
12 February 1315 Gift of lands in barony of Longforgan (PER) and in Craigie (ANG) 1/53/53 (RRS, v, no. 47)
7 December 1315 Promise to warrant sheriffdom and burgh of Cromarty (ROS) 1/53/86 (RRS, v, no. 78)
23 March 1316 Gift of lands of Henry Cissor burgess of Ayr in burgh of Ayr 1/53/99 (RRS, v, no. 90)
26 December 1316 Gift of 8 marks from thanage rents of Tannadice (ANG) 1/53/120 (RRS, v, no. 111)
1 June 1317 Gift of land and loch of Skene (ABD) 1/53/122 (RRS, v, no. 113)
14 June 1317 Concession of teinds of profits of justice in earldoms of Atholl and Strathearn 1/53/125 (RRS, v, no. 116)
8 December 1319 Renewal of annual fair of Aberdeen (on new dates) 1/53/173 (RRS, v, no. 157)
24 August 1321 Gift of Lambroughton (AYR) 1/53/223 (RRS, v, no. 197)
1 December 1322 Inspection of charter of King William to Arbroath abbey 1/53/241 (RRS, v, no. 213)
1 December 1322 Inspection of 1213 charter of King William to Arbroath abbey 1/53/242 (RRS, v, no. 214)
1 February 1323 Gift of forest of Drum (ABD) outwith king's park 1/53/247 (RRS, v, no. 220)
26 April 1323 Confirmation of freedom from multure at mill of Perth, and 'roumfre' 1/53/256 (RRS, v, no. 228)
28 March 1324 Gift of annual rent and lordship of Uras (KCD) 1/53/283 (RRS, v, no. 252)
6 February 1325 Gift of land in barony of Longforgan (PER) 1/53/306 (RRS, v, no. 265)
7 March 1325 Gift of Grassmiston and Kirklands by Crail (FIF) with 10 shillinglands and 7 1/2 marks 1/53/309 (RRS, v, no. 268)
5 March 1326 Gift of three merklands and 20s from Charleton (ANG) and 7 marks from thanage of Kinnaber (ANG) 1/53/335 (RRS, v, no. 293)
5 March 1326 Gift of Old Montrose (ANG) in exchange for Cardross (DNB) 1/53/336 (RRS, v, no. 294)
14 January 1327 Gift of lordship of barony of Skirling with advowson of church (PEB) and land in Roberton (LAN) 1/53/358 (RRS, v, no. 314)
31 March 1327 Gift of half of Waygateshaw (LAN) 1/53/364 (RRS, v, no. 319)
23 May 1327 Gift of 'Inyoney' (ANG) 1/53/368 (RRS, v, no. 321)
4 February 1328 Gift of Baldowrie (ANG) 1/53/380 (RRS, v, no. 332)
15 February 1328 Command to chamberlain of Scotland to pay 40 marks 1/53/381 (RRS, v, no. 333)
16 February 1328 Gift of Quilt (PEB) for 26s. 8d. 1/53/382 (RRS, v, no. 334)
4 March 1328 Gift of Auchterarder (PER) in free barony 1/53/385 (RRS, v, no. 337)
12 March 1328 Confirmation of Westside of Carnousie and 'Culblathyus' (BNF) 1/53/387 (RRS, v, no. 339)
16 July 1328 Confirmation of 40 marks annually from mills of Ayton and 'Fordholm' (BWK) 1/53/401 (RRS, v, no. 352)
29 July 1328 Gift of Old and New Parks, Coxet and 'Kepnemade' (STL) 1/53/403 (RRS, v, no. 354)