People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Henry, abbot of Arbroath (1285-96)

1286 × 1296
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Obligation to pay fruits of prebend to Master John Grantor 2/156/18 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 597-8)
unavailable Petition to the pope concerning tyranny of Abbot Henry of Arbroath named person (transaction) 2/154/20 (Theiner, no. 338)
25 Sept. 1286 Command that men of the realm shall answer to addressees concerning a pasture pertaining to the land of Scryne (in Panmure, ANG) Addressee 1/50/1 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25)
Monday 14 Oct. 1286 Inquest into pasture pertaining to land of Scrin, called Salmanmore, in tenement of Panmure (ANG) Judge 4/38/24 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25 )
Monday 14 Oct. 1286 Inquest into pasture pertaining to land of Scrin, called Salmanmore, in tenement of Panmure (ANG) Sealer 4/38/24 (Stevenson, Docs., i, 25 )
7 Jan. 1289 Gift of land in villa of Crail (FIF) Grantor 2/64/24 (Arb. Lib., no. 313)
Tuesday 14 Mar. 1290 Confirmation of the Treaty of Salisbury Grantor 1/50/32 (Stevenson, Docs., i, no. 92)
Friday 17 Mar. 1290 Request that King Edward certify to the Guardians that a papal dispensation has been granted for marriage between Prince Edward and Lady Margaret Addressor 1/50/33 (Foedera, i, II, 730)
7 Oct. 1290 Command to make enquiry and reform Arbroath Abbey named person (transaction) 2/154/20 (Theiner, no. 338)
6 Jul. 1296 Abbot Henry and the convent of Arbroath promise to support and serve the king of England Addressor 6/2/64 (IP, 80-1)
6 Jul. 1296 Abbot Henry and the convent of Arbroath promise to support and serve the king of England Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 6/2/64 (IP, 80-1)
6 Jul. 1296 The Abbot and convent of Arbroath annul and renounce any alliances made with the king of the French and perform fealty to the king of England Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) Brian fitz Alan, baron, guardian; John of Hastings, lord of Abergavenny (d.1313); John Wake, baron; Peter Corbet, baron 6/2/63 (IP, 80a)
28 Aug. 1296 Henry, abbot of Arbroath, and the priors and prioresses of several priories, promise loyally to serve the king of England, and perform fealty Addressor 6/2/201 (IP, 117-8)
28 Aug. 1296 Henry, abbot of Arbroath, and the priors and prioresses of several priories, promise loyally to serve the king of England, and perform fealty Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 6/2/201 (IP, 117-8)
28 Aug. 1296 Henry, abbot of Arbroath, and the priors and prioresses of several priories, promise loyally to serve the king of England, and perform fealty Sealer 6/2/201 (IP, 117-8)
30 Aug. 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) Edward I, king of England (d.1307) 5/1/0 (Rot. Scot., i, 24a (3))
16 Oct. 1296 Confirmation of election of Alpin to see of Dunblane named person (transaction) 2/156/5 (Theiner, no. 355)
2 Jan. 1301 Command to cause Arbroath Abbey to pay debt due to Master John, canon of Dunkeld named person (transaction) 2/156/18 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 597-8)

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Date Short Summary Source
circa 1285 X 17 December 1296 Gift of lands of Panlathy, Balbinnie and Pitcundrum (ANG) 3/585/7 (SHS Misc. iv, no. 17)