People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: William de Vaux, knight (d.1221×38)

William de Vaux, knight (d.1221×38)
Matrix Shape
Image description (obverse)
Single-sided seal of William; not a double-sided seal as per Stevenson and Wood, but used in conjunction with a counterseal. According to Stevenson and Wood, the seal depicts a *griffin* on the back of a *wyvern*, not on a shield; according to Greenwell and Blair’s catalogue of Durham seals, the seal depicts a dragon on the back of a ‘bird-like monster’.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
SIGILLV VILLELMI DE VALLIBUS (“Seal of William de Vaux”).
Legend (reverse)
Dimensions: 2 ½ in. (60 mm.) diameter. SW III, p.636.