People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of ferryboat of Montrose with land (ANG)

Type of Transaction
From Source
1/6/140 A (James Steven Cox, at auction)
Firm date
1173 X 1177
Dating Notes
Introduction of Dei gratia to royal style × death of Walter son of Alan the steward
in feuferme; of me and my heirs
Render dates
Martinmas (Feast of St Martin) [11 Nov.]; Pentecost (Whitsun)
Sicut clause
Returns / Renders
money: marks

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor William I, king of Scots (d.1214) W W, by the grace of God, king of Scots 1145 × 1213
Beneficiary Elias of Montrose, king's clerk Helye de Munros Elias of Montrose, my clerk 1173 × 1177

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1199) Math'o Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen 1150 × 1198 1
Andrew, bishop of Caithness (d.1184) Andr' Andrew, bishop of Caithness 1128 × 1178 2
Walter de Bidun (d.1178) Waltero de Bidun Walter de Bidun, chancellor 1150 × 1175 3
Richard de Moreville (d.1189 or 1190) Ric' de Moreuill' Richard de Morville, constable 1152 × 1189 4
Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) Waltero filio Alani Walter son of Alan, steward 1137 × 1175 5
William de Vieuxpont (II) (d.c.1203) Willellmo de Veteri ponte William de Vieuxpont 1170 × 1196 6
Walter Oliphant (I), justice Waltero olif' Walter Olifard 1171 × 1187 7
Walter Barclay, chamberlain (d.c.1193) Waltero de berkel' Walter of Berkeley, chamberlain 1162 × 1193 8
Robert Barclay, brother of Walter Roberto de berkelei Robert of Berkeley 1170 × 1199 9
John of London (?d.a.1190) Johanne de london' John of London 1177 × 1202 10
Robert Boswell (de Boseville) Roberto de boseuill' Robert de Boseville 1174 × 1181 11
John Bisset Johanne biset John Bisset 1203 × 1258 12

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ANG (Angus) land pertaining to ferry terram illam ... Montrose
ANG (Angus) ferry-boat Montrose

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
vessels ferry of Montrose (ANG) passagium batelli de Munrose Montrose