People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of part of Caskerdo (FIF)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/706/1 (PNF, ii, 56-7)
Firm date
1310 X 1327
Dating Notes
Appointment × death of Sir Robert Keith, justiciar
in feu and heritage; in perpetuity; of me and my heirs
Tenendas original language
de me et heredibus meis in feodo et hereidtate in perpetuum
Render dates
Pentecost (Whitsun)
Nominal renders
Returns / Renders
money: pennies
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Joan, daughter of Robert of Balcurvie Johanna filia quondam Roberti de Balcurhacwy Joanna, daughter of the late Robert of Balcurvie 1310 × 1310
Beneficiary Alexander de Bethune (Beaton) Alexandro de Betonia Alexander de Bethune 1307 × 1310

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343) Roberto de keth Sir Robert Keith justiciar of the king, knight 1294 × 1343 None
Malise of Durie, knight Malisio de Douari Malise of Durie, knight 1305 × 1310 None
John of Balfour, knight (14C) Johanne de balfur John of Balfour then sheriff of Fife 1304 × 1310 None
Thomas Kerr Thoma Kayr Thomas Kerr, then judge 1289 × 1310 None
John of Ramsay, lord of Gladney Johanne John Ramsay 1310 × 1310 None
Malcolm Ramsay, knight (14C) Malcolmo de Ramesay Malcolm Ramsay, brothers 1296 × 1342 None
John, son of Malcolm Ramsay Johanne John 1310 × 1310 None
William, son of Malcolm Ramsay Willelmo filiis dci malcolmi and William, sons of the said Malcolm 1310 × 1310 None
Malcolm of Balfarg Malcolmo de balinharg Malcolm of Balfarg 1310 × 1310 None
Thomas Sibbald (14C) Thoma sibaud Thomas Sibbald 1296 × 1310 None
John, lord of Pitscottie, junior Johanne de petscoty filio John of Pitscottie the son 1295 × 1310 None
Richard of Stickley (14C) Ricardo de stikelau Richard of Sticklaw 1310 × 1310 None

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
FIF (Fife) part of Caskerdo partem terre mee de Gaskerduf Caskerdo