Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | David I, king of Scots (d.1153) | 1118 × 1152 | ||
Beneficiary | Holyrood Abbey (fd.1128) | 1147 × 1370 | ||
Perambulator | Gilbert of Stirling, sheriff of Stirling (TRD) | Gillebertus | Gilbert, sheriff of Stirlingshire | 1131 × 1136 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
RNF (Renfrewshire) | toft in Renfrew | unum toftum in Rinfriu | Renfrew |
MLO | church of Edinburgh castle (St Margaret's Chapel) | ecclesiam castelli | Edinburgh |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of St Cuthbert of Edinburgh | ecclesiam sancti Cutberti cum parrochia | Edinburgh |
MLO (Midlothian) | toft in burgh of Edinburgh | unum plenarium toftum in eodem burgo | Edinburgh |
MLO (Midlothian) | land in which the abbey is to be found | terram illam in qua abbatia sita est | Holyrood Abbey |
MLO (Midlothian) | that part of the Cragg belonging to it | cum parte Cragge que ad eam pertinet | Holyrood Abbey |
PEB | Broughton | Broctunam | Broughton |
MLO | Inverleith | Inverleth | Inverleith |
MLO (Midlothian) | half fishery at Inverleith | medietatem piscationis | Inverleith |
MLO | Pittendriech | Pethendreiam | Pittendreich |
MLO | Ford | Fordam | Ford |
MLO (Midlothian) | Saughton | cum Salectuna | Saughton |
ELO | Whitekirk | Hameram | Whitekirk |
ELO (East Lothian) | mill of Dean | unum de meis molendinis de Dene | Dean |
WLO (West Lothian) | toft in Linlithgow | unum toftum in Linlitcu | Linlithgow |
STL (Stirlingshire) | toft in Stirling | unum toftum in Striuelin | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | draught of net (Stirling) | unius retis tractum ad piscandum | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | church of Airth | ecclesiam de Heret | Airth |
STL (Stirlingshire) | saltpan at Airth | unam salinam | Airth |
STL (Stirlingshire) | 27 acres of land | cum uiginti septem acris | Airth |
STL (Stirlingshire) | land perambulated and handed over by Gilbert, sheriff of Stirling | terram in eadem Heret eisdem diuisis quibus Gillebertus uicecomes et alii ministri de Striuelinschire perambulauerunt et tradiderunt Alwino abbati | Airth |
BWK (Berwickshire) | toft in Berwick | unum toftum in Berewic | Berwick |
BWK (Berwickshire) | draught of net (Shipwell, Tweed) | tractum duorum retium in Scypwel | River Tweed |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
8 chalders of malt, eight of flour, 30 cartloads of brushwood from Liberton and one mill of Dean | 8 chalders of malt, eight of flour, 30 cartloads of brushwood from Liberton and one mill of Dean | Liberton | |
ARG (Argyll) | half teinds of king's cain | medietatem decime de cano de Chentyr et de Erregail | Argyll and Kintyre |
ARG (Argyll) | half of teind of pleas | medietatem decimede eisdem locis placitorum meorum | Argyll and Kintyre |
WLO (West Lothian) | skins of rams, ewes and lambs from royal demesne | de Linlitcu | Linlithgow |
MLO (Midlothian) | teinds of mill of Dean | Dean | |
MLO (Midlothian) | half the tallow, fat and hides | Edinburgh | |
MLO (Midlothian) | skins of rams, ewes and lambs from royal demesne of Edinburgh | de Castello Puellarum [...] que moriuntur de meo dominio | Edinburgh |
MLO (Midlothian) | teinds of mill of Liberton | de Libertuna | Liberton |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
MLO (Midlothian) | 40s. from burgh | quadraginta solidos de burgo meo de Edenesburch | Edinburgh |
BWK (Berwickshire) | tenth of king's pleas between River Avon and Cockburnspath | decimam omnuium placitorum meorum ab Auin flumine usque Colbrandsespeth | Cockburnspath |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
no one may detain neyfs | no one may detain neyfs | ||
right to build or have a burgh | right to build or have a burgh | inter burgum et abbatiam | |
permission to take wood (or timber), easements of wood | in the king's own wood of Airth | in bosco dominico meo ibi [.i. Heret] | Airth |
immunity from poinding | immunity from poinding | ||
freedom from toll | freedom from toll | ||
freedom for men travelling | freedom for men travelling |