People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of 2 marks annual rent from saltworks in Carse of Stirling (STL)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/414/21 (NRS, GD 40/1/27)
Firm date
circa 1284 X 27 April 1296
Dating Notes
Earliest mention of William Murray as ‘panetarius’ × battle of Dunbar, where Andrew Murray of Bothwell, the grantor’s brother, was captured. He died in English captivity.
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam
Render dates
Martinmas (Feast of St Martin) [11 Nov.]; Pentecost (Whitsun)
Corroboration / sealing
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro salute anime); Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro salute anime); Successors (pro salute anime)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
named person (transaction) Ancestors of William Murray, pantler antecessores mei my ancestors
Grantor William Murray, lord of Bothwell, pantler of Scotland Willelmus de morauia William of Moray, pantler of Scotland 1293 × 1296
Beneficiary Newbattle Abbey (fd.1140) abbatem et conuentum de Neubotil / ecclesie beate Marie de neubotil abbot and convent of Newbattle / church of Blessed Mary of Newbattle 1141 × 1312

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Andrew Murray, knight, justiciar, lord of Petty and Avoch Andrea de morauia fratre meo Lord Andrew of Moray my brother, knight 1270 × 1293 1
William Murray of Drumsargard, knight Willelmo de morauia William of Moray lord of Drumsagard, knight 1290 × 1304 2
Ralph of Hadden, knight Radulpho de hauden' Ralph of Hadden, knight 1285 × 1285 3
John Park, knight (late 13C) Johanne de Parco John of Park, knight 1293 × 1296 4
William de Somerville, knight (late 13C) Willelmo de Sumeruill' William de Somerville, knight 1293 × 1301 5
Nicholas of Bannatyne Nicholao benauthyn Nicholas Bannatyne 1294 × 1303 6

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
STL (Stirlingshire) 2 marks from saltpans of Carse of Stirling duas marcas annui redditus [...] salinis in carso de striuelyn Carse of Stirling