Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Duncan II, king of Scots (d.1094) | Dunecanus filius regis Malcolumb | Duncan, son of king Malcolm | 1093 × 1094 |
Beneficiary | Saint Cuthbert | Sancto Cuthberto | Saint Cuthbert | 1094 × 1279 |
Beneficiary | Unknown, bishop of Durham | suis seruitoribus | his servants [i.e. bishop and clergy of Durham?] | 1093 × 1094 |
Beneficiary | Clergy of Durham | suis seruitoribus | his servants [i.e. bishop and clergy of Durham?] | 1093 × 1093 |
named person (transaction) | Fothud, bishop of St Andrews (d.1093×94) | Fodanus | Fodan, bishop | |
Signatory | Duncan II, king of Scots (d.1094) | dun+ecani regis | Duncan, king | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Grent | scribtoris gr+entonis | Grent the scribe | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Achard | ace+ard | Achard | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Ulf | ul+f | Ulf | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Edgar, ? brother of King Duncan II | eadgari | Edgar | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Malcolm, ? brother of King Duncan II | malcolumb | Malcolm | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Hermer | her+mer | Hermer | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Hemming | hem+ming | Hemming | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Aelfric | aelf+ric | Ælfric | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Uviet the white (1090s) | vui+get | Uviet | 1093 × 1093 |
Signatory | Theobald (Teodbold) | teo+dbold | Theobald | 1093 × 1094 |
Signatory | Earnulf | ea+rnulf | Ernulf | 1093 × 1094 |
Consentor | Brothers of King Duncan II | fratres mei | my brothers | 1093 × 1094 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
ELO (East Lothian) | service which Bishop Fothad had | de Broccesmuthe omne seruitium quod inde habuit Fodanus episcopus | Broxmouth |
ELO | Tyninghame | Tiningeham | Tyninghame |
ELO | Auldhame | Aldeham | Auldhame |
ELO | Scoughall | Scuchale | Scoughall |
ELO | Knowes | Cnolle | Knowes |
ELO | Hedderwick | Hatheruuich | Hedderwick |