Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | David I, king of Scots (d.1153) | Dauid | King David | 1118 × 1152 |
Beneficiary | Dunfermline Abbey (fd.1128) | 1127 × 1363 | ||
Grantor | Edgar, king of Scots (d.1107) | 1095 × 1097 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
NAI | Penick | Pethenach cum suis rectis diuisis | Penick |
MLO (Midlothian) | dwelling | aliam in Edenburc | Edinburgh |
MLO | Inveresk 'Major' | Infrech maiorem et molendinum, et piscinam | Inveresk 'Major' |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of Inveresk 'Major' | ecclesiam de Infrech | Inveresk 'Major' |
MLO | Smeaton | Smithebi | Smeaton |
MLO | Carberry | Crefbarri | Carberry |
MLO | Woolmet | Wymeth cum suis rectis diuisis | Woolmet |
ELO (East Lothian) | dwelling | aliam in burgo de Hadingtune | Haddington |
WLO (West Lothian) | dwelling | aliam in Linlidcu | Linlithgow |
STL (Stirlingshire) | toft (mansura) in Stirling | aliam in burgo de Striuelin | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | ploughgate which belongs to the church | unam carucatam terre que adiacet ipsi ecclesie | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | dwellings/tofts of Roger the priest | mansiones Rogerii presbyteri | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | one and a half nets | unum rete et dimidium | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | 2 churches of villa of Stirling | in eadem uilla duas ecclesias | Stirling |
ROX (Roxburghshire) | dwelling | aliam in Rokesburc | Roxburgh |
PER (Perthshire) | toft | unam mansionem in burgo de Pert | Perth |
PER (Perthshire) | church of burgh of Perth | ecclesiam eiusdem uille | Perth |
PER | dwelling belonging to church | unam mansionem que pertinet ipsi ecclesie | |
PER (Perthshire) | fishery | quandam piscaturam apud Perth | Perth |
FIF | Dunfermline | Dunfermelin, scilicet citra aquam, in qua eadem ecclesia site est | Dunfermline |
FIF | toft (mansura) in burgh of Dunfermline | unam mansionem in burgo Dunfermelin | Dunfermline |
FIF | Burntisland | Kingoren cum suis apendiciis que propinquior est Dunfermelin | Burntisland |
FIF | Fod | Foeth | Fod |
FIF | Fetters | Fotheros iuxta Sanctum Andream cum suis rectis diuisis | Fetters |
FIF (Fife) | ploughgate | unam carucatam terre Petioker | Pitteuchar |
FIF | Newburn | Nithbren | Newburn |
FIF | Balchristie | Balecristine | Balchristie |
BWK (Berwickshire) | draught of Aldestelle | tractum de Aldestelle [...] scilicet in Berwico | Berwick |
BWK (Berwickshire) | dwelling | unam mansuram in Berwich | Berwick |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
vessels | ferry at Inverkeithing (FIF) | passagium et nauem de Inurkethin | North Queensferry |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
ARG (Argyll) | half teinds of king's cain | dimidiam partem decimi mei de Ergeithil et Kentir | Argyll and Kintyre |
BWK (Berwickshire) | two hides on sixth Saturday, plus other skins etc. from north of Lammermuir | in secto sabbato habent duo coria, et duas partes de sepo, et sextam pellem arietum et agnorum. | Lammermuir |
BWK (Berwickshire) | one hide every Saturday north of Lammermuir | citra Lambremor [...] singulis sabbatis in curia habent unum corium | Lammermuir |
CLA (Clackmannanshire) | teind of king's cain | decimam tocius mei can de Clacmanan | Clackmannan |
teind of deer killed between Lammermuir and Tay | teind of deer killed between Lammermuir and Tay | decimam omnium uenationum que capiuntur inter Lambremor et Tay | Lammermuir |
STL (Stirlingshire) | teind of the king's cain in Stirlingshire | decimam mei Can tocius castrensis prouincie | STL (Stirlingshire) |
STL (Stirlingshire) | teind of the king's demesnes | omnem decimam meorum dominorum | STL (Stirlingshire) |
PER (Perthshire) | teind of the king's demesne | omnem decimam de dominio meo | Perth |
FIF (Fife) | seals caught at Kinghorn | de selichis que ad Kingorn' capientur postquem decimati fuerint [...] omnes septimos selich' | Kinghorn |
FIF (Fife) | teind of mill of Dunfermline | et decimacionem molendini | Dunfermline |
FIF (Fife) | teind of the king's demesnes of Dunfermline | de omnibus dominiis meis de Dunfermelin | Dunfermline |
FIF (Fife) | teind of salt and iron | salis quoque et ferri que ad opus meum ad Dunfermelin allata fuerint, omnem decimam | Dunfermline |
FIF (Fife) | half of hides, fat and tallow | medietatem omnium coriorum et seproum et sagiminis omnium beatiarum que occidentur ad festiuitates tenendas in Striuelin et inter Forth et Tai. | Unmapped (FIF) |
FIF (Fife) | teind of wild mares in Fothrif and Fife | decimam de omnibus meis siuestribus equabus de Fif et de Fotherif | Fife and Fothrif |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
STL (Stirlingshire) | 5 marks from ship coming to Stirling | .v. marcas qrgenti ad uestimenta eorum de primis nauibus que uenient ad Striuelin | Stirling |
PER (Perthshire) | 5 marks from ship coming to Perth | uel ad Perth | Perth |
FIF (Fife) | teinds of fermes of burgh of Dunfermline | omnem decimationem denariorum firme burgi | Dunfermline |
FIF | Offerings at high altar without claim | omnes oblaciones que ad maius altare [...] offerentur | offerings at high altar without claim |
FIF (Fife) | eighth of king's pleas and profits from Fife and Fothrif | omnem octauam partem de omnibus placitis et lucris mei de Fif et de Fotherif | Fife and Fothrif |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
right not to respond to claimants on men | right not to respond to claimants on men | non respondeant alicui calumpnianti de hominibus | |
right of passage of the sea | across the Firth of Forth | Firth of Forth | |
permission to take wood (or timber), easements of wood | permission to take wood (or timber), easements of wood | in nemoribus meis omnia necessaria ad ignem et ad edificia sua | |
immunity from poinding | immunity from poinding | prohibeo ne qliquod nam capiatur super terram uel super homines Sancte Trinitatis | |
freedom from neyfs or fugitives being detained unjustly | freedom from neyfs or fugitives being detained unjustly | prohibeo [...] ne iniuste retineatur [.i. omnes serui et omnes Cumelache] | |
freedom from toll | freedom from toll | per totam terram meam theloneum quietum |