People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of church of Alvah (ABD)

Type of Transaction
From Source
4/4/23 (Abdn. Reg., i, 41-2)
Firm date
Monday 28 January 1314
Dating Notes
in the year of the lord 1313 on the Monday nearest after the feast of the conversion of St Paul the apostle (25 January)
for their own uses; in perpetuity
Tenendas original language
in perpetuum in proprios vsus
Render dates
Nativity of St John the Baptist [24 June]; Purification of BVM [2 Feb.]
Returns / Renders
money: marks; money: pounds
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Henry Cheyne, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1328×29) Henricus Henry, minister of the church of Aberdeen 1277 × 1323
Beneficiary Coupar Angus Abbey (fd.1164) abbati et conuentui de Cupro abbot and convent of Coupar 1162 × 1358
Consentor Chapter of Aberdeen capituli nostri our chapter 1237 × 1363
Sealer Chapter of Aberdeen capituli nostri our chapter 1237 × 1363
named person (transaction) Unknown, chaplain of Aberdeen capellano [...] in ecclesia cathedrali de ABerden chaplain in the cathedral church of Aberdeen
named person (transaction) Unknown, dean of Aberdeen decanum dean [of Aberdeen]
named person (transaction) Chapter of Aberdeen capitulum Aberdonensem and the chapter of Aberdeen 1237 × 1363

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ABD (Aberdeenshire) church of Alvah ecclesiam de Alveth Alvah
ABD (Aberdeenshire) toft and croft near church of Alvah toftum vnum et croftum prope ipsam ecclesiam de Alveth Alvah