Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | James Stewart (d.1309) | Jacobus | James, steward of Scotland | 1276 × 1309 |
Beneficiary | Paisley Abbey (fd.1169) | monasterium de Passelet | monastery of Paisley | 1163 × 1304 |
named person (transaction) | Men of Paisley Abbey | homines eorumdem religiosorum | men of the same monks | |
named person (transaction) | Husbandmen of Paisley Abbey | husbandorum dictorum religiosorum | husbandmen of the monks |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Robert Wishart, bishop of Glasgow (d.1316) | Roberto | Lord Robert, bishop of Glasgow | 1271 × 1312 | 1 |
John Stewart of Bunkle (d.1298) | Johanne | John Stewart, my brother, knight? | 1286 × 1309 | 2 |
Andrew Fraser, knight | Andrea Frans' | Andrew Fraser, knight | 1267 × 1297 | 3 |
John Soulis, knight, guardian (d.a.1310) | Johanne de Soulys | John de Soules, knight | 1267 × 1303 | 4 |
Colin Campbell, knight (late 13C) | Nicholaio Cambell' | Nicholas Campbell, knight | 1293 × 1296 | 5 |
Reginald Crawford, knight, sheriff of Ayr (late 13C) | Reginaldo de Crauford | Reginald of Crawford, knight | 1284 × 1306 | 6 |
Arthur of Dunoon | Arthuro de Donnon | Arthur of Dunoon, knight | 1284 × 1309 | 7 |
Geoffrey of Caldcoats | Galdfrido de Caldcot | Geoffrey of Caldicott, clerk | 1274 × 1296 | 8 |
William of Shaw | Wilelmo de Schaw | William of Shaw, clerk | 1295 × 1309 | 9 |
Alexander de Normanville | Alexandro de Normavilla | Alexander de Normanville, clerk | 1295 × 1295 | 10 |
Patrick of Lovell, clerk | Patricio de Louwell' | Patrick of Lovell, clerk | 1295 × 1295 | 11 |
Gilbert of Conisbrough | Gilberto de Conigburg | Gilbert of Conisbrough, layman | 1284 × 1300 | 12 |
John Pride, burgess of Renfrew | Johanne Pride | John Pride, layman | 1274 × 1296 | 13 |
Giles (or Gillies) of Eastwood | Gilisio de Estwode | Giles or Gillies of Eastwood, layman | 1295 × 1296 | 14 |
Walter, son of Gilbert (Paisley) | Waltero filio Gilberti | Walter son of Gilbert, layman | 1295 × 1295 | 15 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
freedom in forest of Renfrew | freedom in forest of Renfrew | liberam et plenam potestatem habeant, per totam forestam meam infra baroniam de Renfru | Renfrew |
permission to take fuel/coal | permission to take fuel/coal | carbones marinos foresta predicta, ubicunque poterunt predicta inveniri; carbones marinos fodiendi ad dictam calcem | |
permission to take stone | permission to take stone | lapidicinia frangendi tam ad edificandum quam ad calcem comburendam in omnibus eorum necessariis | |
freedom to come and go/entry and exit | freedom to come and go/entry and exit | cum libero introitu et exitu | |
freedom for men travelling | freedom for men travelling | familia abbatis, monachorum et conversorum monasterii predicti, libere et sine atachiamento possint ire, transire et redire | |
freedom from prises, captions or carriages from their men or chattels of Strathblane (STL) | freedom from prises, captions or carriages from their men or chattels of Strathblane (STL) | aliquas capiant prisas seu captiones | |
right to lead river to mill | right to lead river to mill | liberum dictum aque de Eipdayr habeant ad molendina sua |