Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | John Balliol, king of Scots (d.1314) | Johannes | John, king of Scotland | 1284 × 1302 |
Addressee | John of Halton, bishop of Carlisle (d.1324) | J. | his friend lord J[ohn], bishop of Carlisle | 1294 × 1305 |
named person (transaction) | Richard of Whitton, master | Ricardi de Wytton | Master Richard of Whitton, formerly rector of Sowerby | 1274 × 1285 |
named person (transaction) | William of London, master, clerk | Willelmum de Londors | Master William of London, our clerk |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
John Comyn, lord of Badenoch (d.1302) | Johanne Comyn | John Comyn, knight | 1271 × 1296 | 1 |
Alexander Balliol of Cavers (d.c.1311) | Alexandro de Balliolo | Alexander de Balliol, chamberlain of Scotland, knight | 1268 × 1299 | 2 |
Geoffrey de Mowbray, justiciar of Lothian | Galfrido de Moubray | Geoffrey de Moubray, our justiciar of Lothian, knight | 1273 × 1296 | 3 |
Thomas Randolph (d.c.1296) | Thoma Ranulphi | Thomas Randolph, knight | 1232 × 1294 | 4 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
England | church of Sowerby | ecclesiam de Soureby | Cumberland |