People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Command to give sasine of rights of Eskdale (DMF)

Type of Transaction
Command / mandate
From Source
3/254/14 (Melr. Lib., no. 379)
Firm date
16 May 1309
Dating Notes
on Friday before Pentecost, 1309

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Addressor John Graham, knight, son of Nicholas Graham (d. 1337) Johan de Graham John of Graham 1307 × 1309
Addressee Adam, son of Hugh, baillie Ad' le fiz Hugh Adam son of Hugh, his baillie of Westerkirk 1309 × 1309
Addressee William Stobb, baillie Willam stub William Stobb, his baillie of Westerkirk 1309 × 1309
named person (transaction) Melrose Abbey (fd.1136) labbe et le Couent de meuros abbot and convent of Melrose 1147 × 1309