Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) | Robert Cameron of Baledgarno | Robertus Cambron | the lord Robert Cameron, lord of Baledgerno, knight | 1263 × 1296 |
Recipient (submission, fealty, homage) | Edward I, king of England (d.1307) | dominum regem Anglie | the lord king of England | 1274 × 1312 |
in the presence of | Andrew of Tong, notary public | me notario subscripto | me, the undersigned notary | 1306 × 1306 |
named person (transaction) | John Balliol, king of Scots (d.1314) | Johannem | John, king of Scots | 1284 × 1302 |
named person (transaction) | Philip IV, king of France (1285-1314) | Philipum | the king of the French, Philip | 1295 × 1309 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Antony Bek (d.1311), bishop of Durham | nobil[i] uir[] ultimo prescript[o] | noble man last aforewritten | 1287 × 1305 | 1 |
John de Warenne, earl of Surrey (d.1304) | nobil[i] uir[] ultimo prescript[o] | noble man last aforewritten | 1292 × 1301 | 2 |
Roger (IV) Bigod (d.1306), earl of Norfolk | nobil[i] uir[] ultimo prescript[o] | noble man last aforewritten | 1296 × 1296 | 3 |
William (IV) de Beauchamp (d.1298), earl of Warwick | nobil[i] uir[] ultimo prescript[o] | noble man last aforewritten | 1296 × 1296 | 4 |
Humphrey (VI) de Bohun (d.1298), earl of Hereford, and of Essex | nobil[i] uir[] ultimo prescript[o] | noble man last aforewritten | 1296 × 1296 | 5 |