Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Gilbert, bishop of Whithorn (d.1253) | G | G[ilbert], bishop of Whithorn | 1235 × 1253 |
Addressee | Walter of Kirkham, bishop of Durham (d.1260) | Waltero | Sir Walter bishop of Durham | 1253 × 1255 |
named person (transaction) | Durham Cathedral Priory | Priori et Conventui de Dunelmensi | Prior and convent of Durham | 1095 × 1327 |
named person (transaction) | Three monks of Fountains Abbey | tres monachos de Fontanis | three monks of Fountains | |
named person (transaction) | Three monks of Jervaulx Abbey | alios tres monachos de Jorevall | another three monks of Jervaulx |