Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Order |
John of Musselburgh, master, official (d.p.1279) |
Johanne de Muskilburg |
Master John of Musselburgh, then official of archdeaconry of Teviotdale |
1274 × 1274 |
1 |
Richard, chaplain of Bishop William of Glasgow, vicar of Ashkirk |
Ricardo |
Sir Richard, vicar of Ashkirk |
1256 × 1258 |
2 |
Nicholas of Synton, master |
Nicolayo de Syntun |
Master Nicholas of Synton |
1241 × 1241 |
3 |
John of Lilliesleaf (13C) |
Johanne de Lilliscliue |
John of Lilliesleaf |
1274 × 1296 |
4 |
Hugh of Dryfesdale |
Hugone de Driuisdal |
Hugh of Dryfesdale |
1241 × 1241 |
5 |
Maurice, chaplain (Coldstream) |
Mauricio |
Maurice, chaplain |
1241 × 1241 |
6 |
Alexander, clerk (Coldstream) |
Alexandro |
Alexander [of Coldstream?], clerk |
1241 × 1241 |
7 |
Robert of Coldstream, clerk |
Roberto de Caldstrem |
Robert of Coldstream, clerk |
1241 × 1241 |
8 |