People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of land in villa of Dundee (ANG)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/635/2 (Balm. Lib., no. 33)
Firm date
Tuesday 27 May 1281
Dating Notes
Tues. after the Ascension of the Lord, 1281.
in feuferme
Tenendas original language
ad feodofirmam
Render dates
Martinmas (Feast of St Martin) [11 Nov.]; Pentecost (Whitsun)
Returns / Renders
money: shillings
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor John of the River, burgess of Dundee Johannes de Rivulo John of the Burn/River, burgess of Dundee 1281 × 1281
Beneficiary Henry Hastings, son of Albert of Dundee Henrico dicto Hastings filio quondam Alberti Henry, ‘called Hastings’, son of the late Albert, burgess of Dundee 1281 × 1281
Neighbouring landholder Henry Hastings, son of Albert of Dundee dicti Henrici said Henry 1281 × 1281
Neighbouring landholder Gilbert Gudgib Gilbertus dictus Gudgib Gilbert called Gudgib
Neighbouring landholder Emma, daughter of Peter of Whitefield Emma quondam filia Petri de Albo Campo sponsa ejusdem Gilberti Emma late daughter of Peter of Whitefield, his spouse
Sealer Burgh of Dundee communitatis the community 1281 × 1357

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Ralph of Dundee, son of Gregory Long, master, clerk (d.1306×07) Radulpho de Dunde Ralph of Dundee 1281 × 1296 1
Walter of Wainfleet Waltero de Waineflet Walter of Wainfleet 1281 × 1281 2
Alan of the Pows Alano de Pollis Alan of the Pows 1281 × 1281 3
Hervey Lambie Herveo Lambi Hervey Lambies 1281 × 1281 4
Richard of Lambiston Ricardo de Lambistona Richard of Lambiston 1268 × 1281 5
J. Ruffus, clerk J Ruffo J. Ruffus, clerk 1281 × 1281 6

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ANG (Angus) land of John of the River in Dundee terram meam [...] in villa de Dundee Dundee