Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Order |
Henry, son of Geoffrey de Liberatione of Perth |
Henrico filio Galfridi avunculo meo |
Henry son of Geoffrey, my uncle |
1194 × 1240 |
1 |
Simon de Camera, grieve of Perth |
Symone de Camera |
Simon de Camera |
1227 × 1230 |
2 |
William, son of Joel, grieve of Perth |
Willelmo filio Yuel |
William son of Joel |
1210 × 1227 |
3 |
James, son of Uhtred, grieve of Perth |
Jacobo filio Huchtredi |
James son of Uchtred |
1203 × 1229 |
4 |
William Loveproud, burgess |
Willelmo Laueprud |
William Loveproud |
1219 × 1219 |
5 |
David Yeap |
Dauid Yape |
David Yeap |
1219 × 1240 |
6 |
William, son of Serlo |
Willelmo filio Serlonis |
William son of Serlo |
1219 × 1219 |
7 |
Robert, son of Fulk, burgess of Perth |
Roberto filio Fulconis |
Robert, son of Fulk |
1219 × 1229 |
8 |
Gilbert of Craig |
Gilberto de Craig |
Gilbert of Craig |
1210 × 1210 |
9 |
Henry Bald, burgess of Perth |
Henrico Baldo |
Henry Bald, the goldsmith |
1199 × 1219 |
10 |
William of Lynn, burgess of Perth |
Willelmo de Lyn |
William of Lynn |
1210 × 1227 |
11 |