People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Sale of site of toft on south side of bridge in Perth (PER)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/646/2 (Scone Lib., no. 82)
Firm date
1219 X 6 December 1219
Probable date
1219, × 6 Dec
Dating Notes
1219 AD; 5th regnal year of King Alexander II.
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor John Ylbaren of Perth Johannes ylbaren de Perth John Ylbaren of Perth 1219 × 1219
Beneficiary Scone Abbey (fd.c.1120) canonicis de Scona canons of Scone 1124 × 1369
in the time of (tempore) Simon de Camera, grieve of Perth [prepositi de Perth] Symon de Camera grieve of Perth, Simon de Camera 1227 × 1230
in the time of (tempore) William, son of Joel, grieve of Perth Willelmus filius Joelis grieve of Perth, William son of Joel 1210 × 1227
in the time of (tempore) James, son of Uhtred, grieve of Perth Jacobus filius huchtredi grieve of Perth, James son of Uhtred 1203 × 1229

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Henry, son of Geoffrey de Liberatione of Perth [burgenses de eadem villa] Henricus filius Galfridi burgess of the same villa, Henry son of Geoffrey 1194 × 1240 1
Serlo, tailor (talliator) (father of William) Serlo talbator (sic) burgess of the same villa, Serlo the tailor 1219 × 1230 2
William, son of Serlo Willelmus filius ejus burgess of the same villa, William his son 1219 × 1219 3
Henry Bald, burgess of Perth Henricus baldus burgess of the same villa, Henry the Bald 1199 × 1219 4
Robert, son of Fulk, burgess of Perth Robertus filius fulconis burgess of the same villa, Robert son of Fulco 1219 × 1229 5
William, son of Uhtred, burgess of Perth Willelmus filius huchtredi burgess of the same villa, William son of Uhtred 1203 × 1219 6
Richard, son of Andrew, burgess of Perth Ricardus filius Andree burgess of the same villa, Richard son of Andrew 1219 × 1219 7
Peter, son of David, burgess of Perth Petrus filius David burgess of the same villa, Peter son of David the Clerk 1219 × 1219 8
Robert, smith, burgess of Perth Robertus faber burgess of the same villa, Robert the smith 1219 × 1219 9
Benedict, son of Walter of St Edmunds Benedictus [filij Walteri de Sancto Edmundo burgess of the same villa, Benedict, son of Walter of St Edmunds 1219 × 1219 10
Henry, son of Walter of St Edmunds Henricus [filij Walteri de Sancto Edmundo burgess of the same villa, Henry, son of Walter of St Edmunds 1219 × 1219 11
John, son of David, burgess of Perth Johannes filius David burgess of the same villa, John son of David 1219 × 1219 12
Geoffrey Redbeard Galfridus Redberd burgess of the same villa, Geoffrey Redbeard 1219 × 1219 13
Alan Redbeard, brother of Geoffrey Redbeard Alanus [fratres eius] burgess of the same villa, Alan, his brother 1219 × 1219 14
Osbern/Osbert Redbeard, brother of Geoffrey Redbeard Osbertus [fratres eius] burgess of the same villa, Osbert, his brother 1219 × 1229 15
William Loveproud, burgess Willelmus Loueprud burgess of the same villa, William Loveproud 1219 × 1219 16
Serlo, son of William Loveproud Serlo filius eius burgess of the same villa, Serlo his son 1219 × 1219 17
Robert of Stanford, burgess Robertus de Standford burgess of the same villa, Robert of Stanford 1219 × 1219 18
William Whitebeard Willelmus Whetberd burgess of the same villa, William Whitebeard 1219 × 1219 19
David Yeap David yeap burgess of the same villa, David Yeap 1219 × 1240 20

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
PER (Perthshire) site of toft on south side of bridge at Perth locum tofti [...] in australi parte pontis proximi in oriente versus flumen de They Perth