Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | William, son of Ketill (in Perth) | Willelmus filius Ketell de Perth | William son of Ketell of Perth | 1209 × 1227 |
Grantor | Eda, wife of William son of Ketell of Perth | uxor sua Eda | his wife, Eda | 1209 × 1209 |
Grantor | Wimarc, daughter of William son of Ketell of Perth | filia sua Wymarc' | his daughter Wymark | 1209 × 1209 |
named person (transaction) | Chapter of St Andrews | capitulo sancti Andree | chapter of St Andrews | 1153 × 1313 |
Beneficiary | Scone Abbey (fd.c.1120) | abbati et canonicis de Scona | abbot and canons of Scone | 1124 × 1369 |
Previous landholder | Alan of the Bridge | alani de ponte | Alan of the Bridge | |
named person (transaction) | Robert, son of William son of Ketell | filius prefati Willelmi et Ede uxoris sue Robertus nomine | son of the aforesaid William and Eda his wife, Robert by name | |
Pledge | Simon de Camera, grieve of Perth | Symonem de Camera | Simon de Camera | 1227 × 1230 |
Pledge | William, son of Joel, grieve of Perth | Willelmum filium Johel | William son of Joel | 1210 × 1227 |
Pledge | James, son of Ketell of Perth | Jacobum filium Ketell | James son of Ketell | 1202 × 1209 |
Sealer | Denis, dean of Angus and Forfar (fl.1211×14-1225×39) | Dyonisius | Denis, dean | 1202 × 1225 |
Sealer | John of Perth, master, vicar of Perth | Johannes | Master John | 1213 × 1229 |
Sealer | Burgh of Perth | comune de Perth | commune of Perth | 1232 × 1357 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Denis, dean of Angus and Forfar (fl.1211×14-1225×39) | Dyonisius | Denis, dean of Forfar | 1202 × 1225 | 1 |
John of Perth, master, vicar of Perth | Johannes de Perth | Master John of Perth | 1213 × 1229 | 2 |
Henry, son of Geoffrey de Liberatione of Perth | Henricus filius Galfridi | Henry son of Geoffrey [alderman of Perth] | 1194 × 1240 | 3 |
Simon de Camera, grieve of Perth | Symon de Camera | Simon de Camera | 1227 × 1230 | 4 |
William, son of Joel, grieve of Perth | Willelmus filius Johel | William son of Joel | 1210 × 1227 | 5 |
James, son of Uhtred, grieve of Perth | Jacobus filius vctredi | James son of Uhtred | 1203 × 1229 | 6 |
James, son of Ketell of Perth | Jacobus filius Ketel | James son of Ketel | 1202 × 1209 | 7 |
Henry Bald, burgess of Perth | Henricus baldus | Henry Bald, goldsmith | 1199 × 1219 | 8 |
William of Lynn, burgess of Perth | Willelmus de Len | William of Lynn | 1210 × 1227 | 9 |
William, son of Serlo | Willelmus filius Serl | William son of Serlo | 1219 × 1219 | 10 |
Richard, son of Andrew, burgess of Perth | Ricardus filius Andree | Richard son of Andrew | 1219 × 1219 | 11 |
John, son of David, burgess of Perth | Johannes filius David | John son of David | 1219 × 1219 | 12 |
Richard, nepos of Master John of Perth | Ricardus nepos magistri Johannis | Richard, nepos of Master John | 1209 × 1209 | 13 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
PER (Perthshire) | toft of Scone Abbey in South Street of Perth | toftum illum in via australi de Perth | Perth |